Lord Mahavira
References "Buddha Nirvana and some other dates in ancient Indian Chronology." Indian culture Vol. V. No. 3 p. 305 ff; and also "chronology of Asokan Inscription" Journal of Indian History, Vol. XVII, Part 3. Cam. Hist. of India Vol. I. p. 156. Digha Nikaya. III pp. 117, 209; and Majjhima Nikaya, II, pp. 243 ff. We are told here that while Buddha stayed at Samagama, the report was brought to him that his rival had died at Pava, and that the Nigranthas, his followers, were divided by serious scheme. According to Jain traditions also Mahâvîra died at Pava. Compare the following remark of Charpentier about the Jain chronology given above, "the list is absolutely valueless, as it confuses rulers of Ujjain, Magadha, and other kingdoms; and some of these may perhaps have been contemporary, and not successive as they are represented". Camb. History of India Vol. I, p. 155. IA. Vol. XLIII, p. 121. bid.P 121. W.N. Brown. The story of Kalaka. इह यदा यो राजा ख्यानिमानभूत , तदा तस्य राज्यं गण्यते, न तु पट्टानुक्रमः-Vicarsreni. जं रयणिं सिद्धिगओ अरहा नित्यंकरो महावीरो। तं रयणिं अवंतीए अभिसित्तिो पालवो राया।।६२०।। पालगरण्णो सट्टी पुण पण्णसयं वियाणि नन्दाणं। मरियाणं सहीसयं पंणतीसा पुरसमित्ताणं।।६२१।। बलमित्ता-भाणुमित्ता सट्टा चत्ता य हति नभसेगो। गद्दभ सयं एक पुण पडिवन्नो तो सगो राया।।६२२।। पंच मासा पंच य वासा छच्चेव होति वाससया। परिनिनुअस्सऽरिहतो तोउपन्नो सगो राया।।६२३।। Shantilal Shah. "The traditional chronology of the Jainas". p. 16 f. Shah regards Tithagolipainnya as the oldest Jain chronological work. He assigns it to the early part of the fourth century A.D. The above verses from Tithagolipainnya are also quoted by Muni Darshan Vijya in his "Pattavli Samucaya." P. 197. जक्काले वीरजिणी णिस्सेयस संपय समावण्णो। तक्काले अभिसत्तो पालयणामो अवंतिसुदो।।१५०५॥ पालरज्जं सद्धिं इगिसयपणवण्णा विजयवंसभवा। - चालं मुरुदयसो तीसं वस्सा सुपुरसमित्तस्स।।१५०६।। वसुमित्त आग्गिमित्ता सट्टी गंधब्बया वि सयमेक्कं। णरवाहणा य चालं तत्तो भत्थटणा जादा।।१५०७।। अत्य?णाण कालो दोणिसयाई हवंति वादाला। तत्तो गुत्ता ताणं रज्जे दोण्णि य सयाणि इगितीसा।।१५०८।। तत्तो कक्की जादो इंदसुदो तस्स चउमुहो णामो। सत्तरि वरिसा आऊ विगुणियइगिवीस रज्जतो।।१५०९।। णिनाणे वीरजिणे छचाससदेस पंचवरिसेसुं। पणमासेसुगदेरॉ संजादो सगणिओ अहवा।।१४९९।। Tiloyapannati (Jivaraja Granthmala Sholapur, under print), वीरनिर्वाणकाले च पालकोऽत्राभिषिच्यते। लोकेऽवंतिसुतो राजा प्रजानां प्रतिपालक ः।।४८७।। पष्टिवर्षाणि तद्वाज्यं ततो विषयभभजां। शतं च पंचपंचाशद्वशार्णि तदीरित।।४८८।। चत्वारिंशत्पूरूढानां भूमंडलमखंडित। त्रिंशत्तु पुष्यमित्रणां षष्टिर्वस्वगिनमत्रयोः।।४८९।। शतं राजसंभराजानां नरवाहनमायतः । यचारिंशत्ततो द्वाभ्यां चत्वारिंशछतद्वयं ।।४९०।।