Lord Mahavira
adu porisim tiriya-bhittim, cakkhumasajja antaso jhai; aha cakkhu-bhiay-sahiya, te “hanta-hanta” bahave kandimsu. Then on wall in front of man's length, Fixing His eyes, inwardly did He meditate; Frightened by His eyes, and assembledm Exclaiming' 'Oh alas, Oh alas' cried many.
sayanehim viimissehim, itthio tattha se parinnaya; sagariyam na sé seve, iti se sayam pavesiya jhai. In abodes intermixed, Women He avoided; In sexual act He never indulged, (But), secluding Himself, meditated deep. je ke’ime agaratta, misibhavam pahaya se jhai; putto vi nabhibhasimsu, gacchai naivattai anju. Whosoever were there in the house, Shunning them all, He meditated alone; Answered not, when asked, Left, but unconcerned, never swerving.
no sukarametam egesim, nabhibhase abhivayamane; hayapuvvo tattha dandehim, lusiyapuvvo appapunnehim. Not easy indeed was it for all, Not to respond, being greeted, Or with sticks beaten,
Or cut by people of merit thin. 9-10. pharusaim duttiikkhaim, aiyacce muni parakkamamane;
aghaya-natta-giyaim, dandajuddhaim mutthijuddhaim.(9) gadhie mihu kahasu, samayammi nayaseue usioge adakkhu; etaim so uralaim, gacchai nayaputte asaranae (10) (Sounds) harsh and the unbearable, Overcoming, the Sage exerted hard; The tales, dances, and songs, Stick-fighting and boxing, (9) And people in conversation, And compacts, the Naya-scion, griefless, (avoided); All sights coarse and vulgar, The Naya-son left, recalling not. (10)