________________ THINKERS' HOMAGE 1. Mahavira proclaimed in India, the message of salvation that religion is reality and not a mere convention, that salvation comes from taking refuge in the true religion and not from observing the external ceremonies of the community, that religion cannot regard any barries between man and man as an eternal verity. Wondrous to say, this teaching repidly overtopped the barriers of the race's abiding instinct and conquered the whole country. - Ravindranath Tagore (INDIA) 2. Lord Mahavira again brought into prominence the doctrine of Jainism. Jain religion was prevalent in India before Buddhism. In ancient times innumerable animals were butchered in sacrifice. The credit of the disappearance of the massacre from the Brahmanical religion goes to the share of Jainism. -Bal Gangadhar Tilak. (INDIA) 3. No religion of the world has explained the principle of Ahimsa so deeply and systematically as discussed with its applicability in life in Jainism. As and when this benevolent principle of Ahimsa will be sought for practice by the people of the world to achieve their ends of life in this world and beyond, Jainism is sure to have the uppermost status and Bhagwan Mahavira is sure to be respected as the greatest authority on Ahimsa. If anybody developed the doctrine of non-violence, it was Lord Mahavira, think over it and translate it into action. - Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. (INDIA) JAIN VISHVA BHARATI INSTITUTE LADNUN (RAJASTHAN), INDIA