भावा न भावान्तरनेयरूपाः ।
द्वयं वदन्तोऽकुशलाः स्खलन्ति ॥
Existences, possessing of themselves conformity and difference, by assenting on ground of a distinct self reality, on ground of a self-reality which is not so, a duality, the unskilful trip up.
आदीपमाव्योम समस्वभावं
स्याद्वादमुद्रानतिभेदि वस्तु ।
Lord Mahâvîra
दिति त्वदाज्ञाद्विषतां प्रलापाः ॥
Entity which down to the lamp, up to ether, is of the same nature, without breaking away from the seal of the Syadvada, that, they say, is in one case simply eternal, in another simply non-eternal.
Thus the chatterings of the foes of Thy precepts. (15)
कर्त्ताऽस्ति कश्चिज्जगतः स चैक:
स सर्वगः स स्ववशः स नित्यः । इमाः कुहेवाकविडम्बनाः स्यु
स्तेषां न येषामनुशासकस्त्वम् ॥ There is a maker of the world, and he is one, he is omnipresent, he is self-dependent, he is eternal these would be pretences of mere assurances on the part of those whose teacher Thou art not.
न धर्मधर्मित्वमतीव भेदे
वृत्त्यास्ति चेन्न त्रितयं चकास्ति । इहेदमित्यस्ति मतिश्चवृतौ,
न गौणभेदोऽपि च लोकबाधः ||
There is no relation of attribute and bearer of attribute, if utterly different; if it is by occurrence, no triad appears.