The equestrian figure of a prince, illustrated by me as figure 70 in this work, now in the office of the Achalgadh Pedhi, was cast by an artist Nāhala (?) from Dungarpur in V. S. 1566. One of the two other equestrian statues preserved along with the above also seem to have been cast at Dungarpur by one Jagamāla.
These are only a few instances of the value of the inscriptions collected by the late Muni Shri Jayantavijayaji.
I am thankful to my friends Shri Ratilāl Dipachand Desai and Shri Jayabhikkhu as also to the members of the Managing Committee of Shri Yashovijaya Jaina Granthamālā for their keen interest in the translation of this guidebook. They have readily accepted my suggestions and have tried to insert as many new photographs as possible. In translation, I have tried to remain faithful to the spirit of the original writing. Occasionally, I have taken liberties, especially in the first chapter by adding the first six pages and summarising the Gujarāti original. Baroda,
. . 17th October, 1953. .. . UMAKANT P. SHAH.
1 Inscription no. 494 op. cit.. height of the bronze, 22 inches approx.
2 Inscription nos. 493, 495, op. cit.
3 Figures 30, 61, 62, 63 and 70 are added by me for illustration in this English version only.-U. P. SHAH.