Glossary of Terms]
Tirthankara: The Propagator of Jaina faith or Tirtha constituted of four sections-monk, nun, layman and laywoman (sādhu, sādhvi, shravaka and shrāvikā).
Trika: Group of three Jina figures.
Tri-Tirthi: Image showing figures of 3 Jinas.
Usually one Jina stands or sits in the centre as the main deity of the group and two others sitting or standing on the two sides. May or may not be accompanied by a parikara.
Dikṣā: Initiation as a monk or recluse.
Devkulika: Cell. A supplementary or small shrine. Dvara-manḍapa: Mandapa-hall or pavilion-on an entrance-door of a shrine.
Dharma-cakra: The wheel of law, also known to Buddhist Iconography. It is supposed to move in the sky, in front of a Jina, when he goes on his wanderings from place to place. One of the members of the parikara of a Jina image.
Navakara: Namaskāra. The term is used for the chief Jaina formula for worship of and obeissance to Arhats, Siddhas, Acāryas, Upadhyāyas and Sadhus. Navachoki: Hall (open on three sides) adjacent to and in front of the gudhamandapa; so called because it is divided into nine sections, by means of the pillars supporting its ceiling.
Nirvana: Mokṣa. Liberation from all bondage including that of this earthly body. Used for death of Jinas or monks who have obtained Kevalajñāna..
Plucking out of hair on the head in five handfuls, at the time of taking diksha, by a would be Jina.