Other topics related to Parināma
removes the obstacles of the Prakṛti in such a way as to deter-mine its course as this cosmical process of evolution. Puruşartha is, indeed, the aim for which the process of evolution exists; for this manifold evolution in all its entirety affects the interests of the Puruşa alone; but that does not prove that this its teleology can really guide the evolution in particular lines so as to ensure the best possible mode of serving all the interests of the Puruşa,. for this teleology being immanent in the Prakṛti is essentially non-intelligent.21
The Samkhya, however, hopes that this immanent teleology in Prakrti acts like a blind instinct and is able to guide the course of its evolution in all its manifold lines in accordance with the best possible service of the Puruşa. The Patañjala view, as we have seen, maintains that Iśvara removed all obstacles of Prakṛti in such a way that this teleology may find scope for its realisation. 22
It may, however, be noted in passing that even the theism of Yoga is a halting sort of theism because according to it the only thing that God does is to remove the obstacles from the move-ment of Prakṛti. Then Prakṛti moves according to its inherent directive energy. In this view, God cannot really be said to direct Prakṛti as such.
In this section I propose to consider the various stages of the development of the idea of Parinama and its application to the different categories.
In some of the later hymns of the Rgveda, we find the Vedic seers visualising certain general principles about the world, its.
21 a a geareitsfa nada: farg agêña far: 1 उद्देश्यतामात्रेण पुरुषार्थो प्रवर्तकः TVS. IV. 3.
22 Study of Patanjali, Das Gupta, pp. 89-92.