Other topics related to Parinama
in Sāmkhya, denotes both cognition and conation. Here, it may be noted that the commentators are silent on the question as to whether the Mahat and the Ahamkāra (in the first order of evolution which is given in the Skā.) are Aviseșa or not. Bhiksu touches this point by saying that though ‘Aviseșatva' does belong to Mahat and Praksti, yet the term Aviţeşa is conventionally fixed for the six categories (Ahamkāra and five Tanmātrās) only, like the word 'pankaja'. This is just explaining away the thing and the question therefore still remains as to whether Mahat and Ahamkāra are Aviseșa or not.14
Vacaspati, however, approaches this problem of Višeşāviseşa' from another point of view, viz. that of causality. Thus he says: The five Tanmātras have the Buddhi as their cause because they are the unspecialised modifications, just like the principle of Individuation Aviseșatva (non-specialisation) consists in being the cause of further vikäras or modifications; this characteristic is common to both the Tanmatrās and Asmitā. Visesas, on the other hand, are the final modifications which do not become the cause of further tattvas.15
Thus, according to this interpretation of Vācaspati ‘farefittaca' (wherein, 'vikāra' signifies “vikāramātra") is the criterion of
14 Probably they must have been regarded as having the character of the
'subject' of 'upabhoga' rather than the object. Though, in Samkhya philosophy the subject is the Puruşa, yet the Buddhi must do the activity of being the subject for Puruşa and therefore, in this sense we cay say that the Mahat and Ahamkāra are equal to what in ordinary psychology would be called consciousness which cognises and feels and which, therefore, cannot be an object. If this explaration is correct, we can say that ‘Viseşāvisesa' cannot be applied to Bucdhi (and Ahamkāra) in the sense in which the terms are applied to the
Tanmatras and Bhūtas. 15 ...अत्र च पञ्चतन्मात्राणि बुद्धिकारणकानि अविशेषत्वाद् अस्मितावद् इति ।
विकारहेतुत्वं चाविशेषत्वं तन्मात्रेषु चास्मितायां चाविशिष्टम् । ...विशेषा... faalt Ta 7 g Tratatu: 1 TVS on II. 19.