Development of Pariņāma in Yogasūtras
The Samkhya-sūtras are traditionally attributed to Kapila. But they are assigned to the 14th cent. A.D. by modern scholars chiefly on the ground that Mādhava's Sarvadarsanasangraha does not refer to it but bases his account of the Samkhya on the Kārikā.8 Aniruddha was the first to write a commentary on the Sāmkhya-sūtra in the latter half of the 15th cent. A.D. The important commentary on the Sāṁkhya-sūtras is, however, that of Vijñanabhikṣu, called the Samkhyapravacanabhāşya ( 16th cent. A. D.). Bhiksu also wrote an independent work called Samkhyasāra. There are two other works on Samkhya, viz. Şimānanda's (or Kşemendra's) Samkhyatattvavivecana and Bhāvāganesa's Samkhatattvayāthārthyadipana, both of which are later than Vijñānabhiksu.
Pariņāma in the Sūtras of Patañjali and the V.B.
The sūtras of Patañjali do not define" or explain parinām as. such. They seem to take for granted the idea of pariņāma. They explain the different pariņāmas of the Citta and only incidentally refer to those of the Elements (bhūtas) and Senses (indriyas). The word pariņāma, however, is used in ten sūtras viz. III. 9, 11, 12, 13. 15. 16. IV. 2, 14, 32, 33, of which only the relevant ones are considered here. Sūtras III. 9, 11, and 12 explain the nirodh-parināma, the samādhi-pariņāna and the ekagratā-pariņāma of the Citta. The suppressive modification (nirodh-pariņāma) is the conjunction of the mind with the moment of suppression (nirodh), when the outgoing and suppressive potencies disappear and appear respectively.9. The trance modification of the mind (samādhi-pariņama) is the destruction and rise of all-pointedness and one-pointedness, respectively.10 It is the mental modification of one-pointedness when the subsiding and rising cognitive acts are similar, 11 It is clear that these indicate the different stages of development of the mind.
8 "Indian Philosophy', Radhakrishnan, Vol. II, p. 255. १ व्युत्थाननिरोधसंस्कारयोरभिभवप्रादुर्भावौ निरोधक्षणचित्तान्वयो निरोधqfUITH: 1
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