It gives me great pleasure indeed in publishing, "The SamkhyaYoga and The Jain Theories of Parinama" By Late Dr. Indukala. ben Zaveri.
I am thankful to Prof. T. S. Nandi, Dept. Sanskrit, School of Languages of this University and Shri Naginbhai Shah, L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad for leading the script and for giving their vaiuable opinion for publication.
I am also thankful to the late Shri Niranjan J. Mehta, Chairman Sadguru Indukalaben Jhaveri Charitable Trust for giving script and financial assistance.
The book includes the comperative study of samkhya and Jain theory.
I hope that the students and teachers of Sanskrit and Philosophy and learned Scholers interested in this subject will find this publication of great value and interest.
Date 10-10-1991
(M. P. Jadia) Offg. Registrar