The Samkhya-Yoga and the Jaina Theories of Parinama
as ‘nirguņa’ would be representing the view of Isvarakļşna. This kind of doctrine is to be found at XII. 194, XII. 306, XII. 314315, XIV. 50.8. The other that takes the twenty-fifth principle to be one Ātman who is sometimes called Vişnu, Vasudeva, Narāyaṇa etc. and derives Praksti from him or regards him as an Adhişthātā should be regarded as different. This view is mentioned in XII. 303, XII. 302.38, XII.339. In the school of twenty-six categories, the twenty-fifth category is that of Puruşas and the twenty-sixth is Brahman, Vişnu or Nārāyaṇa as in XII.350, 25-26 and XII. 351, XII. 217, XII. 308. It may be noted that the Gitā throughout upholds the last view and takes Krsna as the twentysixth principle. What is more, the Mbh. (XII.318) recommends. this view and explicitly denounces the view of twenty-four and twenty-five categories as unsatisfactory:15
Just as there is no uniformity in the Mbh. in regard to the number of fundamental categories, so also there prevails a variety of views on the different evolutes of the series. Thus in XII.298, 7 the following eight categories are given - viz. the five senses, mind, Buddhi and Kşetrajña. 16 At another place XII. 275, 16-18, for the Spirit, Citta is substituted and the Spirit is reckoned as the ninth element. In XII.313, the following are derived from Nature the five organs of perception, the five organs of action, mind, Individuation and Buddhi. This, it can be seen, in its substance, corresponds with the products of the classical Samkhya.17 In XII. 306, the eight Prakrtis are mentioned in the manner of the classical Samkhya with this difference that instead of the five Tanmātras, five Bhūtas are substituted. The order of development is thus stated. From the Avyakta Praksti is produced the Mahat, from 15 7 ggfå ea na ughafaqfti: Mbh. XII 318.74 _ 'तेनैतान्नाभिनन्दन्ति पञ्चविंशकमच्युतम् ।
जन्ममृत्युभयागीता योगाः सांख्याश्च काश्यप ।
gefa Ta97a: 172479714011: ll' Mbh. XII 318.79 16 PETIT 77 957 qoy' J 4 gota i
Atarf TIC: 77TEAH I'Mbh. XII 248. 17 17 Vide Chapter III.