Cambride History of India, by Rhapsen, (Vol. 1.). Constructive Survey of Upanişadic Philosophy, by R.D. Ranade, M.A. Critical Study of The Samkhya System, by V. V. Sovani, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics Gita Rahasya, Vol I & II, hy Tilak. The Great Epic of India, by Hopkins. History of Pre Buddhist Philosophy, by B. N Barua, (Calcutta,
1921). History of Philosopiiy, Eastern and Western, vol. I
(Sponsered by the Ministry of Education, Government of
India, 1952.) A History of Indian Philosophy by Das Gupta, vol. I. History of Indian Philosophy, by S. K Belvalkar & R. D. Ranade,
Vol. II. History of Indiais Literature by M. Waternitz (in two Volumes). History of Indian Literature, by Weber, London, 1904. Hymns of the Rgvedu translated by Griffith. Introducton To Philosophy, by Chatterji anid Dutta, Indian Philosophy, by S. Radhakrishnan, Vol. I & II. The Jain Philosophy of Non-Absolutism. by Dr. S. Mookerji. Jain Sutras. Part I and II, by Jacobi SBE, Vol. XXII and XLV. The Jains in the History of Indian Lierature, by M Winternitz,
(Abmedabad, 1946). Modern Materialism and Emergent Evolution, by W. Mcdougall. Original Sanskrit Texts by J. Muir, Vol. V. Outlines of indian Philosophy by M. Hiriyanaa. M. A. Pañcâstikaya of Kundakunda, transated into English, by Prof. A.
Chakravarti, M. A, L. T. (in the Sacred Books of the Jains,
Vol. III). Parmaratha's Version Of The Sankhya-Karika
(translated into English by S. S. Suryanårāyana). Philosophy of Ancient India, Richard Garbe. Philosophy of the Uranişads by Deusson. Positive Sciences of The Ancient Hinds, by Dr. B. N. Scal.