yasara. I have shown how, in the Tattvartha the various concepts-viz., those of Dravya, Paryaya, Pariņāma and Sat receive precise definition, though there is yet no elaboration of the same. In the works of Kundakunda I have attempted to show the development of the theory of Parinama in its various aspects as well as its application to different Dravyas.
In the ninth chapter I have tried to give further exposition, application, analysis and justification of the doctrine of ParyayaPariņāma as found in the works of tarka-period- such as the commentaries of the Tattvärtha Sūtra and other dialectical works. At the end a resume is attempted.
Having thus discussed the Samkhya-Yoga theory and the Jain theory of Pariņāma I have attempted in chapter X critical and comparative study of the theory of Parinama, of these two systems, in its different aspects and discussed the problem of the historical relation between the two schools.
Some of the new points which I have attempted to work out in the thesis
(i) I have attempted a new study of the emergence of the idea of Pariņāma in early Vedic literature.
(ii) As far as I know, no scholar has drawn attention to the precise definition of Vipariṇāma or Pariņāma as given by Yaska.
(iii) I have attempted to throw new light on the problems of तत्त्वान्तरपरिणाम, the process of parimāma - ससृष्टविवेक and विशेषाfa-which all occur in the Samkhya-Yoga works.
(iv) The problem of the relation between Pajjava or Paryāya and Parinama, from the Agama passages is discussed for the first time in this manner.