thrice. Multiplicatives are formed by adding खुत्तो to the numbers. मुद्धाण (मूर्धन्) head. ईसि (ईषत् ) & little bit. The consonant without a vowel at the end of a word is dropped and heart is added. प्रचुन्नम (प्रति+उत्+नम) to raise up. करतलपरिग्गहियं (करतलपरिगृहित) joining the palms. दसनह ( दशनखानि) ten nails. अंजली folded hands. णमोऽत्थु (नमः अस्तु) salutations to; homage to. अरिहंत (अहत) the revered sages, those who are worthy of worship. It is also spelt as अरहंत. भगवंत (भगवत्) blessed, glorious one. आदिगर (आदिकर) first founder of the faith; the first propounder of the doctrine. तित्थगर (तीर्थकर) bridge maker; prophet; [ the maker of the path to cross the worldly ocean.] सयंसंबुद्ध (स्वयंसतुद्ध) self enlightened. पुरिसेोत्तम (पुरुषोत्तम) the best among men. पुरिससिंह (पुरुषसिंह ) lion among men. सिंह, वृषभ, रत्न etc. are affixed to the nouns in order to express their excellent quality. पुरिसवरपुंडरीय the excellent lotus flower among men. पुरिसवरगंधहत्थि just as T&fea is best among elephants so he is titled as an excellent elephant amidst worldly people. लोगुत्तम (लोकोत्तम) foremost among men. लोगनाह (लोकनाथ) the Lord of the world... लोगहिअ (लोकहित) beneficial to the people... लोगपईव