Rāypaseniya-sutta. of mind. हरिसविसम्पमाणहियए (हर्षवशविसर्पत्+हृदय:) due to the influence of joy (हर्षवश) whose heart (हियय) was expanding (विसर्प-spreading). विकसिय-(विकसित) blooming. पयलियवरकड etc. (प्रचलितवरकटकत्रुटितकेयूरमुकुट etc.) excellent (वर) bracelet of gold (कटक), armlet (त्रुटित) bracelets worn on the upper arms (केयूर), diadem (मुकुट), ear-pendant (कुंडल), necklace (हार), which was well arranged (रचित), and bedecking. (विराजमान), the chest (वक्षस), were heavily moved (प्रचलित). पालंबपलंबमाणघोलंतभूसणधरे [प्रलंब+प्रलंबमान घोलदु+भूषणधरः] who was putting on (धर:) ornaments (भूषण) which were hanging (प्रलंबमान ) pendulous and moving to and fro. (प्रलंब). ससंभम (ससंभ्रम) with confusion; being confused. तुरियचवल (त्वरित+चपल) immediately, hastily. अब्भुइः (pirfagfa) gets up; rises up; rises to greet. पायवीढ (पादपीठ) foot-stool. पञ्चोरुह (प्रति+अव+रुह) to. get down, to descend, to dismount. एगसाडिया (एकशाटिका): A web of cloth not bearing any dividing line upon it (caused by stiching another piece of cloth). उत्तरासङ्ग (उत्तर+आसङ्ग) wrapping of the scraf round the face; placing on one side. सत्तटुपयाई . (सप्ताष्टपदानि) seven. or , eight steps. अभिमुह towards, वाम left; जाणु knee. , अंच to bend. दाहिण, (दक्षिण) right, तिक्खुत्तो (त्रिकृत्वस्)