Significance of Śrutajñāna
Meaning of Śruta and Śrutajñāna
Śrutajñāna or śruta word has the following meanings:1- What is heard with auditory sense organ is śruta.
(śruyate ’iti śrutam.) 2- Preachings of a trustworthy person are meant as śruta,
because they are also heard. A collection of their preachings in the form of canons (āgamas) is also śruta. This is the source and instrumental cause for generating
real śrutajñāna in a soul. 3- The knowledge which elevates a soul after listening to
trustworthy persons or after study of canons is also
considered as śrutajñāna. 4- Which is heard by a soul is śruta śruyate ātmana
taditi śrutam (Maladhārī Hemacandra vștti, on Višesavaşyakabhāşya, verse 81.) This knowledge is
helpful in the salvation from sufferings and sorrows. Difference between Śrutajñāna and kevalajñāna
Srutajñāna has been compared with pure and perfect knowledge ‘kevalajñāna', with a slight difference that kevalajñāna is a direct perceptual knowledge, whereas, śrutajñāna is considered as indirect (parokşa) knowledge. Its importance has been mentioned by Kundakunda in Samayasāra and in Pravacanasāra that a
Samayasára, 1.9 : jo hi suyenāhigacchai appānaminam tu kevalam suddhami tam suyakevali-misiņo bhananti loyappaivayarā. Il 'Pravacanasāra, 1.33: jo hi sudeņa vijāņadi appaņam jāņagam sahāveņa. I tam suyakevalimisiņo bhaṇanti loyappadivayarā. II