I am delighted to express my respect and gratitude to Dr D.R. Mehta, founder of Prakrit Bharati Academy for inspiring me to prepare this book. I bow to his honest dedication for service to humanity and love to valuable literature. I am also grateful to Prof. Peter flügel for his able guidance and permission to include the paper entitled "Society in Jaina Philosophy and Literature" which was presented at Centre of Jaina Studies, SOAS, university of London in 2006. Paper on Buddhist Nirvikalpatā was presented in Lumbini International Research Institute, Lumbini, Nepal in 2013. I am obliged to Prof. Cüppers for permission and Prof. Jayendra Soni, Austria for editing it. I am also indebted to the organizers of various National and International seminars and lecture series (at Valiyanad-Kocchi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi) who invited me to present the papers and for inclusion of them in the present collection. I heartily thank Prof. KalpanaPurohit and Dr. S.K. Harit who have gone through these articles and improved the language. I shall be satisfied, if it is proved useful to any interested reader.
Dharm Chand Jain Department of Sanskrit Jai Narain Vyas University Jodhpur, Rajasthan