'Dohada' A Folk-Lore in Ancient India / 265
is possessed of wonderful significance because it can do the wonder which spellbounds all, witnessing its effect.22
1. Besides the desire of Aśoka for kick from a young lady or sprinkling of her mouthfull liquor at budding time. The word 'dohada' has also been used in the following sense in early Indian literature: -
(I) Sometimes it has been used to denote the longing of a pregnant lady for a particular thing. As for example, in the Raghuvamsa Sita is depicted as expressing her desire to see a hermitage during the stage of her pregnancy : - प्रजावती दोहदंशसिनी ते तपोवनेषु स्पृहयालुरेव ।
स त्वं रथीत द्रयपदेशनेयां प्रापय्य वाल्मीकिपदंत्यजैनाम् ||
Raghuvamsa, Canto. 14, Verse 45.
Also Compare:
Whenever pregnant Sudakṣiņā longed for a material object. Dilipa arranged for it immediately because he was competent to achieve even the heavenly objects what to speak of earthly ones:
"उपेत्य सा दोहददुःखशीलतां यदेव वत्रे तदपश्यदाहृतम्। नहीष्टमस्य त्रिदिवेऽपि भूपतेरभूवनासाधमधिज्यधन्वनः ।। "
Raghuvamśa, Canto. 3, Verse 6. In the Uttara-Ramacharita there is reference to 'garbha-dohada' which denotes the pregnancy hankerings of a woman (garbhini-abhilāsā). In the drama Aştavakra is reported as advising Rama to fulfill all the desires of Sită without any delay during the state of her pregnancy:
यः कश्चिदगर्भदोहदो भवत्यस्याः सोऽवश्यमचिरारान्मानयितव्यः ॥
Uttara-Rāmacharita, Act I.
(II) Sometimes, the word denotes pregnancy also, In the Raghuvansa, we come across the word "dohadavyatha" i.e. pains of pregnancy:
क्रमेण निस्तीर्य च दोहद्व्यथां प्रतीच्यमानावयवा रराज सा ।
पुराणापत्रापगमादनन्तरं लतेव संनदमनोशपल्लवा ।।
Raghuvamsa, Canto. 3, Verse 7.
(III) Sometimes, the word denoted certain strange appliances such as sprinkling (seka) of liquid (drava) or substance (dravya) or which had the virtue ( śakti ) or putting forth untimely flowers in trees, plants and creepers:महीरुहाः दोहदसेकशक्तेराकातिकं कोरकमुद्रिरन्ति
Naiṣadhacharitam, Canto. III. Verse 21.
Also compare :
"तरु-गुल्म- लतादीनामकाले कुशलैः कृतम् ।
पुष्पाद्युत्पावकं द्रव्यं दोहदं स्यात्तु तस्क्रिया ।।”
The Sabdārnava quoted in the Naisadhacharita ed by P. P. Abhimanyu, page 138. (iv) The word, has sometimes, also been used in the sense of irresitble desire:"बापवर्तितमहासमा
कौरवपक्षपातपणीकृतंप्राणाद्रविणसंचया नरपतयः।।"
2. “अहमप्यस्यचिरायमाणाकुसुमोद्रुमस्य तपनीयाशोकस्य दोहदनिमित्तं देव्यै निवेदयामि ।।”
3. "दोलापरिभ्रष्टायाः त्वं तावद् गत्वा तपनीय शोकस्य दोहदं निर्वतयेति । ”
Veni-Samhāra, Act. IV.
Malavikāgnimitram, Act. III.
Ibid, Act III; also see Roy, U.N., Salabhañjikä, page 17.