101 107
15. Fading Curve of Buddhism in India Dr. Rajendra K. Sharma 16. Tradition of Historical Writing on Rajasthan in Persian and Its Dilution under the British Paramountcy
Prof. V.K. Vashishta 17. Vākāțaka Historiography as seen in the Beginning of the Twenty-first Century
Dr. Shankar Goyal 18. Re-mapping Culture through Literature: Narratives as Vehicles of Culture
Dr. Usha Bande 19. A Historian of Culture Looks at Contemporary India
Prof. Sibesh Bhattacharya 20. परम्परा एवं आधुनिकता बनाम इतिहास बोध : भारतीय संदर्भ प्रो. विभा उपाध्याय 21. वैदिक वाङ्गमयः ऐतिहासिक दृष्टि एवं व्याख्या का संकट
डॉ. राजेश मिश्र 22. उत्तरउपनिवेशवाद और प्राच्यवाद : संकल्पना और स्वरूप
प्रो. रवि श्रीवास्तव
Archaeology, Epigraphy, Numismatics
23. Coins of the Ancient Republics of Rajasthan
177 Dr. Lalit Pandey 24. Pleistocene Environment and Cultural Succession in Chhattisgarh
183 Prof. R.P. Pandey 25. Amrohā Copper-Plate grant of Vidyadharadeva
189 Dr. D. P. Dubey & Mr. Ashish K. Dubey 26. Study of Ancient Indian Inscriptions : Some Methodological Considerations 197
Prof. S.R. Goyal 27. Urban Centres and Urban forces in c. 600-900 CE Rajasthan: Historic Insights from 203 Contemporary Temple Remains, Epigraphs and Coins
Dr. Shanta Rani Sharma 28. Pakkākot: Revealing new Archaeological Dimensions in Mid-Ganga Plain
Prof. S.R. Dubey, Dr. G.K. Lama,
Dr. A.K. Singh and Dr. S.K. Singh 29. Sea Ports of Barbaricum and Barygaza : International Trading Stations of the Kushans 229
Dr. B.R. Mani
Volume-2 Art, Architecture, Iconography and Paintings
30. Dāna Pāramita as Illustrated in Early Indian Buddhist Art
Prof. Anupa Pande 31. Goddess Vikatā of Harshanātha, Sikar
Dr. R.C. Agrawal 32. Sārdā Temple at Maihar: An Epigraphical Account
Dr. J.N. Pandey