On Chatra and Calli
1. अम्ब सिग्नटक भानी छत्र रासोऽपि दुम्बिली ।
एतान् पञ्चापि नृत्यन्ति नाटकान् नृत्यकोविदा: ॥ एतान् पञ्चापि सतज्य नाटकान् भरतोदितान् । नाटको भीरुभिः कोऽयौं नत्यते सादिकुट्टन: ॥
(५७, १०५-१०३) In 57, 103 the ritually wailing women are said to perform a Rasaka (rāsakam kurvatih), probably in view of their circular, rhythmic movement. 2. V. Raghavan, Bhoja's Singāraprakāsa, pp. 545 ff. 3. Part I, ed. by H. C. Bhayani and R. M. Shah, 1987. 4. At the time of editing the text, the Brhatkathākosa
reference to Chatra had not come to our notice. Hence we gave chattaya in the passage with a question-mark indicating
our doubt about the correctness of the reading. 5. op. cit., p. 566. 6. I have given the original Prakrit verses in the place of the
Sanskrit chāyā given by Raghavan. 7. op. cit., p. 590. 8. Edited by Jinavijaya Muni, 1945.