Channelisation of the administrative duties: The jurisdictions and powers of the ministers: The departments, their heads and their administration etc.
Regarding the regal dignity Dhanapāla has endowed his kings with powers that were irresistible as well as unalienable. His panegyrics of the Paramāra kings amply illustrate the point. Vairisiṁha was a formidable king who had the walls in the form of the shores of the four oceans shattered by the tips of the tusks of the tuskers of his indomitable armies. And Śrī Harsa was an abode of fortunes or regal glory (Śrī) and was well known as a ruler of the earth having the girdle zone for the four oceans. Śrī Sīyaka had thwarted the height of pride of his enemies. Sindhurāja had a lofty fame, a lion to the row of tuskers of his indomitable foes, who had an elder brother in Śrīmadvākpatirāja who wielded a single bow strung up, who had his earth engirt by four oceans subjugated by him. Sindhurāja's son Bhoja was an abode of valour. He was consecrated to his own throne by Vākpatirāja also known as Muñja, deeming that he was competent for that.
This forestalls the proposition that even when the king used to assume supernatural dignity it was his personal qualities that determined his stability on the throne and whenever there arose an occasion for appointing an heir it was he himself who would determine the eligibility or otherwise of the successor. His Meghavāhana has been described as wielding a sword the edge whereof had grown blunt (lit. jagged) on account of its having crushed the bones on the stout necks of the enemies, of irresistible prowess of arms. He has been deemed an incarnation of the sun having overreached the extremities of the four oceans by his sole chariot, a peer to Vasu and Vāsava (Indra), a Brahmā in the real sense of the term. Even when residing in the mortal world he was intermediate to all the worlds- a factor which establishes the dignity of the king transcending the mortal beings. His intellect even though small in extent has been deemed having encompassed
1. TM Introductory verses 40-43 Vol. I pp. 34-35 2. starfysaariffe audifferentia T96 410TER: TM Vol. I pp. 58-59. 3. अवतार इव साक्षादरुणसारथेरेकतथाक्रान्तचतुरब्धिसीमा, समस्तैकविष्टपाधिपतया तुल्यरेखया वासुकि
arierafera:.....7e7ef: Yrafa:. TM Vol. I p. 59. 4. Uma ga tu.. Fredsfo HETI: 1714 TM Vol. I p. 59.