A CRITICAL STUDY OF PAUMACARIYAM and repulsive sights and sounds. The poet here displays visual imagination'.
At 26.48-57 there is a description of hell-following the pattern of the Āgamas. The tortures, suffering and repulsive things are described here.
At 39.24-28 hobgoblins and ghosts with their ugly visages try to distract munis from meditation. They emit fire and throw blood and severed limbs. In these two cases there is a mixture of fear and disgust.
The important difference between the first, second and the third one is that the first is on the real canvas while the second is imaginary and the third one is conjured up. They are on conventional pattern. However the effective use of onomatopoea and rythmic devices in the first two descriptions enhance the effect of hatred and repulsion,
Sentiment of Wonder:—The sentiment of wonder also can be traced at some places.
When Räma breaks the bow, entire universe is thrown into a state of chaos. The rivers flow upwards, the mountains shake and the sea is agitated with mountainous waves. It is all calm and quiet again,
1. बहुविहचिया पलीविय, जलन्तडज्झन्तमडयसंघायं ।
गहभूयबम्भरक्खस-डाइणिवेयालभीसणयं ॥ किलिकिलिकिलन्त रक्खस-सिवामहज्जलियपेयसंघायं । कव्वायसत्थपउर, मडयसमोत्थ इयमहिवी ढं ।। पच्चन्तमडयपुप्फस-सिमिसिमियगलन्तरुहिरविच्छ डढं। डाइणिकबन्धकढिय-भीम रुण्टन्तभूय गणं ॥ कडपूयणगहियरडन्तडिम्भयं कयतिगिच्छमन्तरवं । मण्डलरयपवणुद्ध य-इन्दाउहजणियनहमग्गं ।। विज्जासाहणसुट्रिय-जंगुलियातारजणियमन्तरवं । वायसअवहियमासं, उद्धमुहुन्नइयजम्बुगणं ।। कत्थइ पेयायड्ढिय-मडयविकिरन्तपेयसद्दालं । कत्थइ वेयालयं, रुणुरुणियभमन्तभूयगणं ।। कत्थइ रडन्तरिठें, अन्नत्तां भुगुभुगन्तजाम्बुगणं । घुघुघुघुघुघेन्तघूयं, कत्थइ कयपिंगलाबोल ॥ कत्थइ कढोरहुयवह-तडतडफुट्टन्तप्रसिद्दालं । कत्थइ साणायढिय-मडयामिसलग्गजुद्धधाणं ॥ कत्थइ कवालधवलं, कत्थइ मसिधूमधूलिधूसरियं । किसूयवणं व कत्थइ, जालामालाउलं दित्तं ।। १०५.५३-६१