and movement of soldiers, their marching and rushing at each other has been caught successfully of the verses at 53.107-1131.
Sentiment of Terror :-We come across some thrilling descriptions of horrible scenes. At such spots sentiment of fear is evoked. At 7.117-26 Ravana while meditating is disturbed by the Yaksas, the Vetālas and evil spirits. They conjure up large serpents and lions fearful visages. The latter roar and scratch the ground with their forepaws. All they create an atmosphere of awe. But the reader is aware of the fact that this awe is simply illusory.
At 46.42 similar is the case with the scene conjured up by Ravana to frighten Sita.
Unlike the previous ones the scene of Citrakūta forest at 33.5-8 is on the real canvas. It is teeming with wild and fearful beasts engaged in mutual fight. The chaotic conditions evoke terror. Similar is the description of Simhaninada forest at 94.37-45 with slight variety. The density and darkness of the forest and ashes left out after conflagration has been emphasised. To them can be added the description of Lavapa. ocean at 8.258-63. All these three have already been dealt with.
Sentiment of Disgust: The scene of cemetery ground described at 105.53-61 creates a feeling of disgust. There are ghosts and hobgoblins eating human fresh and munching bones, fire is burning with diverse coloured flames, everywhere there is a nauseating display of ugly
1. पयण्डदण्डसासणा, विइण्णहेमकंकणा ।
चलन्तकण्णकुण्डला, सुवण्णबद्धसुत्तया ॥ बिचित्तवत्थभूसणा, सुयन्धपुप्फसेहरा । सकुकुमंगराइया, तिरीडदित्तमोत्तिया ॥ सचक्कखग्गमोग्गरा, तिसूलचावपट्टिसा । जलन्तसत्तिसव्वला, महन्तकुन्ततोमरा ।। ससामिकज्झउज्झया, पवंगघायदारिया । विमुक्कजीयबन्धणा, पडन्ति तो महाभडा । सहावतिक्खनक्खया, लसन्तचारुचामरा । पवंगमाउहाहया, खयं गया तुरंगमा ।। पवंगभिन्नमत्थया, खुडन्तदित्तमोत्तिया । पणट्ठदाणदुद्दिणा, पडन्ति मत्तकुजरा ॥ विचित्तहेमनिम्मिया, विणिट्ठकंचणट्ठया। पवंगवायचुण्णिया, खयं गया महारहा ॥ ५३.१०७-११३