The PCV describes the Universe at two places. First of all its account is given by Gautama, the first Gañadhara of Lord Mahāvīra while commencing to narrate the story of Rāma, in reply to the enquiry of king Srepika (3.18-32). At another place Muni Sakalabhūşaņa describes it at the time of delivering a religious discourse to Rama when his wife Sita renounces the world (102.61-66.100-110). Both descriptions are brief, traditional and mixed with mythology. In the following lines account of the same is given. It is supplemented by other Jaina works and is compared with the accounts of the Universe given by the Brahmaical and the Buddhist works.
According to the PCV, the Universe (Loa=Loka) is situated in the middle of the unlimited space (añantānantam āgāsam). It is divided in to three parts-viz. the lower part (ahaloga=adholoka), shaped like a cane-seat (Vettāsaņa); the middle part having the form of a cymbal (Jhallari); and the upper part of the pattern of a tabor (Muraya = Muraja). The whole Universe seems to be like a palmyratree (Täla sariso). The middle part of the Universe which is comprised of many islands and oceans is called as the region of subhuman beings Tiriya loo). In the centre of this Tiryakloka is situated the Jambūdvipa of the shape of a round mirror (dappaņāyāro). In extention it is 100000 Yojanas and is itself encircled by the Lavana ocean which is progressively encircled by alternate island and ocean, which are innumerable. The area of the successive island and the ocean is said to be the double of the previous one. The last island is called Svayambhuramana.
The Lavana ocean is encircled by the region (continent) named Dhāta kikhanda (Dhāyaisanda) which is four times greater in area than that of Jambūdvīpa. Beyond Dhātakīkhanda there is Puşkaradvipa half of which is twice larger in area than that of Dhātakīkhanda. Puşkaradvīpa is divided into two parts by a mountain called Manuşottara. One part of Puşkaradvīpa facing Jambūdvipa is included in the human world and the other part lying on the other side of
1. See Supra Supernatural elements for Adholoka and Urdh valoka.