A CRITICAL STUDY OF PAUMACARIYAN This kind of interpretation of Yajña is found in the Gita also. It lays emphasis on performing that kind of Yajña which does not involve animal-slaughter. The oblations to be offered should consist of materials. It further states that with mental deta tchment, freedom from attachment & aversion (4.23), the oblations of sense-organs should be made into the fire of self control (4.24) which is ablazed by knowledge (4.27), austerity and meditation (4.28). This kind of sacrifice leads to emancipation (4.32)
Popular worship: The Paumacariyan refers to a Jakkhatthāņa (39.68) and a Jakkhanilaya (82.47) i. e. the Yaksasthānas or the sanctuaries of the Yaksas. It indicates that the worship of the Yakşas was prevalent in the Magadha country as the references indicate.
Forest deities (Vanadevatā 36.14; 17.81) were invoked on the occasions of difficulties. The worship of forest deities was prevalent as the PCV reveals that Añjanā and Vanamālā invoked them in their difficulties and requested them for protection.
1. See also Gita Rahasya, p. 308.