by one hand loosening the other part to get butter out of curd, so the Jaina doctrine of naya gives prominence to a particular attribute leaving aside the other views and by this means chunrns the nectar of reality (tattva): “एकेनाकर्षन्ती श्लथयन्ती वस्तुतत्त्वमितरेण ।
अन्तेन जयति जैनी नीतिर्मन्थाननेत्रमिव गोपी ॥ " ( Purusārthasiddhyupāya, verse 225.1)
एकानेकविकल्पादावुत्तरत्रापि योजयेत् ।
प्रक्रियां भङ्गिनीमेनां नयैर्नयविशारदः ॥ 23 ॥
ekāneka-vikalpādāvuttaratrāpi yojayet, prakriyām bhangīnīmenāṁ nayairnayaviśāradaḥ.
23. One adept in the use of naya should apply this method consisting of categories, as in the divergence of one or the many etc.
This method of the application of different categories will be shown further on, as the author will proceed to criticise the theory of Advaitavada etc. It will then be seen that the theory of Syādvāda, will refute the onesided theories of Advaitavadins.
End of Chapter I
1. See Parikṣāmukha (S.C. Ghoshal) Sacred Books of the Jainas, Vol. XI, page 199-204.