ĀPTA-MĪMĀMSĂ नियम्यतेऽर्थो वाक्येन विधिना वारणेन वा। CMS-t a Hisagu4fagterratrem ||10911 niyamyate'rtho vākyena vidhinā vāraṇena vā, tathā'anyathā cha so'vaśyamavićeșyatvamanyathā.
109. By a proposition, something is affirmed or denied. A substance is regulated thus or otherwise. If this is not accepted, it must become a non-substance.
COMMENTARY In this verse, it is mentioned how a substance characterised by many-sidedness, can be established by a proposition so that a person can be induced to act according to it. 1
A substance is established by affirmation or negation. From a merely one-sided view, there will be no difference between existence and non-existence of a substance. As the knowledge is varied according to pramāṇa and naya, its object is also of many kinds.2
तदतद्वस्तु वागेषा तदेवेत्यनुशासति। 7 HIT RIEL Tararat: fer deareftat 1111011 tadatad-vastu vāgeşā tadevetyanuśāsati, na satyā syān mặşāvākyaiḥ katham tattvārtha
110. This proposition implies that or not-that substance, by that only'. If this be not true, how can there be teaching of reality by false proportions?
COMMENTARY The one-sided view of the meaning of a propostion 1. “नन्वेवमनेकान्तात्मार्थः कथं वाक्येन नियम्यते यतः प्रतिनियते विषये प्रवृत्तिर्लोकस्य
PUIGCAR CRAGHETTI” Aștasahasri. 2. "Tina Houthalilc4542ffa echirara Fafacerar ritafdraau” Astašati.