When the utmost care is taken through following these nine rules in partaking of alms they are said to be pure i.e. Udgama-śuddha). In partaking these alms, since there is no inconvenience or pain to others such Udgama-Suddha alms are also called Uñccha.
He constantly meditates upon the central meaning behind the words of the Jinas thus: “That which has been preached by the Jinas, and which has been, later, expressed by their disciples (Gañadharas) as Sūtras - this alone is completely true in the description of the nine fundamental Tattvas (Principles) in the Cosmos. The happenings in this Cosmos are exactly in accordance with the principles expounded by the Jinas.” Thus he understands the nature of this Samsāra in which there is constant pain everywhere.
He has achieved, as never before, a much higher stage of purity of soul; and because of the pure feelings and thoughts, he is constantly finding newer and newer meanings, and more and more specific understanding, in the words of the Omniscient.
He has become totally steady in the path of non-attachment, and he is desirious of “getting out” of this Saṁsāra which to him is full of unhappiness and pain. He is always applying his mind with great enthusiasm in that which is beneficial for his Ātman, and such a man constantly meditates upon the holy thoughts that are given below.
64, 65. He meditates upon : "After myriads of past births (wherein I must have done some good, now that I have been born as a human being (and hence able to reach Liberation), how lazy am I in my efforts ! The time past, when once lost, can never be regained - even by the Lord of the Devas (i.e. Indra).”
Even this life as a human being is not without difficulties; because, the following are transient, uncertain and fleeting : good health, lifespan, strength, wealth and even the effort done in