Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
()(i) astrological conjunction of a planet or of a constallation with the horizon, (ii) coitus; (16) 1 (i) a measure of time equal to 24 minutes, (ii) tube, penis; (17) grafana (i) laaSR the mutations (of Mars) in the constellations (13th lunar mansion) and f, (ii) various movements of the hand (grafa. संचार) (such as करिहस्त in erotics).
497) दीहर = दीर्घ. दीर्घ becomes दीह or दिग्ध in Prākrit, according to HS.VIII.2.90, 91. is added after pleonastically, according to HS.VIII.2.171. f, any one. Really we should have का वि. (any woman).
498) = for my sake, for me.The astrological and erotic significance of the second half is not clear.
500) चुक्कसि
प्रमाद्यसि, भ्रमसि (Ratnadeva) - CI. Marathi चुक ✓ to stray, to go astray, to err, to commit a blunder mistake, or to go wrong. is recorded at HS.VIII.4.177, as a धात्वादेश for v अंश, along with फिड, फिट्ट, फुड, फुड and भुल. चुक्क is obviously used in the present stanza in the sense 'to get confused, to blunder, to go wrong'. (i) : Venus (neuter gender used for the masculine according to HS.VIII.1.34). (2) शुक्रम् semen virile, seminal fluid. The astrological significance of fasten भवनम् is not clear.
501) The erotic significance of विपरीत रतिबिम्ब (= स्मरमन्दिर ) is perhaps the same as that of विपरीतरत or पुरुषायित ( inverted coitus ). 'नवस्वत्त = (1) नक्षत्र, (2) नक्खक्खय (नखक्षत), one of the two क्खs being dropped (haplology) and the final a being duplicated, becomes नह and also नक्ख in Prākrit. See HS. VIII. 2. 99 (सेवाद वा ). The astrological significance of शुक्रस्य चित्रानक्षत्रस्थानम्, रविविम्बस्य विपरीतत्वम् and नक्षत्राणां स्थानगृहीतत्वम् in relation to the complete failure of rain, referred to in the present stanza is not clear. Similarly the erotic significance of रतिबिम्बस्य विपरीतत्वम्, नखक्षतानां स्थानगृहीतत्वम् and शुक्रस्य चित्तस्थितत्वम् în relation to the complete retention of the semen virile suggestively referred to here is not clear. fanfagperhaps means: if the seminal fluid is reflected upon or stabilised in the mind, i.e. if the mind is focussed or concentrated on the seminal fluid, with a determined effort not to allow it to drop down prematurely.
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