Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Mb. 13.104.18; Ms. 4. 37. 5 Furnished with an seasoning for food (as mustard, pepper &c.) -3 Fur394 (as a root); VETEHyat: * P. I. 1. 38. niture, appurtenance, apparatus, instrument (397); -6 Let loose, thrown off ; 3411949 afga STT TEAT7 Mb.; Si. 18. 72. -4 Any article or Ya Bara fata fra: 97: Bhay. 1.12.1. -8 Ruined; implement of household use (such as a broomstick); a 417 31 2 9TH Tat: 4 Bhag. 6019
Y. 1. 83; 2. 193; Ms. 3. 68, 12. 66, 7). 10. 83. 4. -V: The sun or moon when eclipsed. - 150.-5 An ornament. -6 Censure, blame. Sexual union.
SVETOH 1 Killing, injuring 2 A collection. 399 IP. 1 To approach, move towards, draw -3 A change, modification. -4 An ellipsis. - Blame, near to; H
4 9107 M. 1; 1. 12. -2 To meet un- censure. expectedly. -3 To move, go; waard a 9a: raga
39FIFT: 1 Anything additional, supplement. aufa Pt. 3. 23; so 1344, 3:08 &c. - 4 To begin with
-2 (Supplying ) An ellipsis; agra 219517 inf.); to become ready; 3 8: garai Turact:
fa Mb. 12. 191. 11. #7122439E+fagna fach Ms. 10. 105. -5 To attack.
Ki. 11. 38. -3 Beautifying, ornamenting by way of ge: 1 Approach, access. -2 Following a person. adding grace; 394 19THIE Malli. on R. 11. 47. -3 An elephant in the third year; tatizare 14- -4 An ornament; 011911: Har: Si. 18.72.-5 ei Matanga L. 5.4.
A stroke. -6 A collection. -7 Condiment, seasoning
material; उपस्कारैः स्कारैरुपचितरसामोदभरणम् Vis. Guna. 472. G OTH Going near, approaching advancing towards.
39 a p. p. 1 Prepared, perfected; ita 43
37aria: Bhag. 10. 88. 19. - 2 Censured, blamed. tarda a. Going near, approaching.
-3 Killed, injured. - Collected. -5 Beautified, orna#FC a. One who sprinkles or pours dowii. mentod. -6 Supplied (as ellipsis ). -7 Moditied.
# u. Pouring, sprinkling. -, 392 surfa: f. Supplement. 1 Pouring or sprinkling upon, watering; r itari
3TFF 5, 91. To prop, support (fig. also). 14 Kath. Up. 2. 25. -2 Infusion; juice. A ladle or cup for pouring.
39 617 a. Supported, stayed. # 1 A. 1 To servo, worship, honour; af o 119
TRIT , -TIT 1 Stay, support. -2 Support of H90 Ms. 4. 133. - 2 To practise, follow, pursue,
life (as food, sleep &c.).-3 Encouragement, incitement, cultivate; as a vow; at af Ch. Up. 2. 22. 1.
aid; 1992 H. 3.-4 Basis, ground, occasion; -3 To make use of. -4 To be addicted to enjoy ;
# FITOA H H II. 1. afgry au facu9 By. 15. 9; so 427, ,
371H* a. Supporting, aiding, encouraging. -a faqet &c. -5 To frequent, inhabit. -6 To rub or
Abundance, excess. anoint with sandal &c.). -7 To have sexual intercourse with.
396TOTH See under 34+ą. IT a. 1 Worshipping, serving: -2 Following,
safta: Ved. 1 A troe. -2 An attendant, a follower,
servant. practising. -8 Enjoying (carnally); 29+: Y. 3. 136.
TEC 2 U. 1 To praise, extol; 34 24+ gah, 1 Worshipping, honouring, adoring.
adida 94: Av. 3. 15.7. -2 To invoke. -2 Service; 1° Ms. 3. 64. -3 Addiction to; fanzo
390T X. Ved. Praise, invitation. Ms. 12. 7. -4 Using, enjoying (carnally also ); 5121°; 491° Ms. 4. 13t. -5 Experiencing, suffering.
STAT:, 3gegla: f. Invocation, praise. gafaa a. Serving, practising; Rām. 5. 29.1.
3952, 575,9 U. 1 To spread out for another );
spread under; उप स्तृणीतमत्रये हिमेन धर्ममश्विना Rv. 8.73.3. उपस्कन्न ३. Asitated, afflicted; स्नेहोपस्कन्नहृदया तदा
-2 To strew or cover with. -3 To arrange, set HTEYTT Rām. 6. 111. 87.
in order. 3945 8 U. To prepare, ela borate, perfect, adorn;
TERUTH 1 Spreading out, scatteriny. -2 A cover(see 39%).
ing, garment ; तद् वै ब्रह्मज्य ते देवा उपस्तरणमब्रुवन् Av. 5. TTT: 1 Any article which serves to make any 19. 12. -3 A bed. -4 Anything spread out (as a coverthing complete, an ingredient ; 71 SETTT 19- iny ), a substratum ( said of the water which is sipped HTÍTE 3=341 ofsg: 934 24 II Bhāg. before taking food )
ET. Scattering 1. 13. 13; Ram. 2. 30. 44. -2 (Hence) Condiment or grass around sacred fire).
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