Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
3. 26. 43. 2 Satisfying, refreshing, pleasing. -3 Satisfaction, satiety; ara Pt. 1. Ms. 3. 211. Advancing, promoting. -8 Corpuleney, growing fat or stout. 6 Anything which causes corpulency or good condition. -7 A strengthening medicine. -8 Pouring water on Soma and thus causing it to swell. -Comp. -शील satisfying.
en a. 1 Satisfied, pleased. -2 Improved: grown, increased. -3 Stout, fat, robust..
a. To be satisfied or pleased.
a. Ved. [--3° ] 1 Filling. -2 Able to rench (Say.). 3 Busy, zealous.
6 A. 1 To bid adieu, bid farewell; प्रियसखमनुं तुङ्गमालिङ्ग्ग्य शैलम् Me. 12; R. 8.49, 12.103; Mal. 7; Bk. 14. 63. 2 To salute on receiving, but particularly parting with visitor (साधी यामि इति वचनम् ) -3 To ask. 4 To extol. Irregularly it is used in Parasmaipada also of आपृच्छ पुत्रकृतकान् हरिणान् द्रुमांच
Pratima. 5. 11.
[3] 1 Conversation. -2 Bidding farewell. 3 Curiosity.
pot. p. 1 To be saluted, welcomed or honoured.-2 Praiseworthy, commendable.-3 Beautiful. egg a. 1 Welcomed, saluted. -2 Asked for. gg: निवान M.
1 Bidding adieu, taking leave at the time of departure. -2 Welcoming, hailing. . Secret, hidden.
ind. Forever.
आपदम् [ प्रपदं पदार्थ तत्पर्यन्तं अव्ययी° ] A dress reaching to the feet. ind. To the end of the foot, reaching to the feet.
आप्रपदीन feet (as dress); (आप्रपदीनकम् also ).
[ आप्रपदं व्याप्नोति ख ] Reaching to the E Si. 3. 10; K. 130:
a. Slightly humble or precipitous. आमी / [आणावया आधी-गौरा ] Vol- 1 Conciliation, propitiation, gaining one's favour. -2 (pl.) Propitiatory verses', a name given to certain invocations addressed to several deified objects in consecutive order, and said to be introductory to the animal sacrifice; some take the Apris to represent the objects themselves, the verses being consequently called 1pri verses. The objects invoked are 12:Susamiddha, Tanunapat, Narasaṁsa, the divine being bearing invocations to the gods, Barhis, the doors of the sacrificial chamber, night and dawn the two divine beings protecting the sacrifice, the three goddesses Ila,
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Sarasvati, and Mahi, Tvastri, Vanaspati and Svähä, (all these being regarded by Sayana to be different forms of Agni); स एता आमीरपश्यत्ताभि स मुखतयत्मानमा suf; cf. also Max Muller's Hist. Anc. Lit. pp. 463-466.
fa, N. of Visnu (protecting lune who have appeased his anger).
1 A. 1 To jump up, dance, spring; पदान्यष्टौ Mb. ; ( रथं) आपुप्लुवे सिंह इवाचलाग्रम्. -2 To bathe, wash, immerse oneself (fig. also); Mb.; bid; Ms. 7. 216, 11. 202. -Caus. (f) 1 To cause to be washed or bathed: Mb. -2 To wash, wet, sprinkle; -
Ms. 3. 244, 11. 98. -3 To overflow, over whelm, inundate, flood over. -4 To set in commotion -5 (Atm.) To bathe.
आप्लवः, 1 Bathing, immersing. -2 Sprin kling with water (on all sides). -Comp. for m. a house-holder who has passed through arganfaa the first order (a) and is admitted into the second (), an initiated householder: ef.
g1 Bathing, immersing -2 Sprinkling wetting. -3 Submerging. -4 A flood. n inundation: प्रलया प्लावमिवाभिदर्शयन्तः Si. 20. 70.
आप्लुत P. P. 1 Bathed; अवग्रथातो मनिः R. 11. 31; Ku. 6.5. ततः समुत्सुकोऽभ्येत्य नृपतिर्द्वतायनः Siva. B. 1. 79. -2 Wetted, sprinkled; hecarga R. 17. 37. 3 Overflowing with, filled or overcome with; aq, saga, &c. -4 Possessed by, eclipsed: अवाङ्मुखमथो दीनं दृष्ट्वा सोममिवाग्लुतम् Ram 7.106.1. -तः a An initiated house-holder, se fe Bathing.
a. A little singed or burnt: zarafa णास्पदाम् Ku. 5. 48.
आप्चन ॥. [q- Up. 1. 152] Wind. air (sma: according to Ujjval.).
आफीनम् An Opiumआफूकम् Opium.
आवा The Dek
आफलक: Enclosure, palisade: वार्याफलकपर्यन्तां पिवन्नि क्षुमतीं नदीम् Rām. 1. 70.3.
9 P. 1 To bind, fasten, tie on, place, tix: क समाधानमाबध्नातु अवष्टम्भः K. 290; न क्वचिन्निर्भरमावध्नति पदम् 10 places; तेऽपि पोषिताः पोषितरि स्नेहमा बध्नान्ति 280 - 2 To make, form ; आवद्धाञ्जलिः, 300 आबद holow. -3 To hold fast, cling to.
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p. p. 1 Bound, tied. -2 Fixed; i R. 1. 40. 3 Formed, made: