Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
आपिशल . Originating from आपिशलि. -ल: A pupil of आपिशलि. -ला A female pupil; आपिशलमधीते आपिशला ब्राह्मणी Mbh. on P. IV. 1. 14.
आपी, आपीन See आप्यै,
आपीड़ 10 P. 1 To press, weigh down; पयोधरभारेणापीडित: Git. 12; भुजाभ्यां तमापीय clasping him to the bosom. -2 To press hard, afflict, perplex, worry. -3 To compress. ___ आपीड a. 1 Giving pain, hurting. -2 Squeering, compressing. -3 A chaplet (tied on the crown of the head), garland in general; ते हयाः काञ्चनापीडा रुक्मभाण्डपरिच्छदाः Mb.6.89.32%; चूडापीडकपालसंकुलगलन्मन्दाकिनीवारयः Mal. 1.2.-4 (Hence tig.) A crest-jewel; तस्मिन्कुलापीडनिभे विपीडम् R. 18.29; Mil. 1, 6, 7. -5 A stream; अभवन्छोणितोद्गारी सापीड इव पर्वतः Ram. 4. 16. 22.
आपीडनम् 1 Compressing, squeezing: tying tightly. -2 Embracing, clasping. -3 Giving pain, hurting.
rfsa p. p. 1 Compressed, bound tightly; embraced &c. -2 Decorated with cha plets.
trata a. 1 Yellowish. -2 Drunk or sipped a little (as water). -2: 1 Yellowish colour. -2 N. of a plant (Mar. नांदुरकी). -तम् 1 A pyritic mineral (माक्षिकधातु). -2 Filament of the lotus..
आपूपिक.(-की/.)[अपूप-ठक्] 1 A good maker of 3499 cakes). -2 Accustomed to eat cakes. -3 Fond of cakes, enting cakes with benefit ). -4 Selling cakes. -5 Baking cakes. -6 Forming en ingredient of cakes, good for cakes (as Te ).-: A baker'; confectioner. -कम् A multitutle of cakes (अपूपानां समूहः).
आपूप्यः [अपूपाय साधुः बाहु. य] Flour. आपूपम् A kind of metal (perhaps tin).
STTEET 7 U'. 1 To lill, pervade, occupy completely: वस्वा वीरस्यापृचः Rv.8.10.9. -2 To mix or blend with. -3 (A.) To satinte oneself: दुर्मन्मानं मुमन्तुभिरेमिषा पृचीमहि By. I. 120. 7.
आपृच् .. [पृच-विप्] Connected, blended. -int. In a mixed manner, confusedly.
आy .orCaus. 1To till; अमी जलापूरितसूत्रमार्गाः R. 16.05: तेजोभिरापूर्य जगत्समग्रम् Bg. 11.30; Bk. G. 118: (tig.) to make full, completes to fulfil (wishes); भृत्येरापूर्यते नृपः ।।.2.73. -pass. To be tilled, to be filled with wind, be blown (NSA comch); आपूर्यमाणानां स्नानशखानाम् K. 11.
319 a. Becoming full. -T: 1 Flow, currents large flood, quantity; स्पेदापूरी युवतिसरितां व्याप गण्डस्थलानि Si. 7.74 : हर्षभरापूरपीडनोत्फुल्लया दृशा Ks. 23. 71. -2 Filling, making full; मन्दानिलापूरकृतं दधानो Si. 3.21.
आपूरण a. Becoming full.-णम् Filling, making full; गर्त कृतम् It. 1.
आपूर्ण p. Fillele; आपूर्णश्च कलाभिरिन्दुरमल: Mal. 9. 39.
आपूर्तिः 1.1 Filling. -2 Tulness, satisfaction, satiety.
आपूर्यमाण . Becoming full, being filled; आपूर्यमाणमचलप्रतिष्टं समुद्रमापः प्रविशन्ति यत B.2.707 °पक्षः the crescent or waxing moon; 311241792474 90417 Bri. Up. 6. 3. 1.
आपेक्षिक (-की/.)[अपेक्षा-ठक्] Raising expectations.
आपोक्लिमम् N. of the 3rd, 6th, 9th, or 12th position (in Astrol.); तृतीयं षष्टनवममन्त्यं चापोलिम चिदुः; also केन्द्रात् परं पणफरं पूर्वमापोक्लिमं मतम्. [ef. Gr. poklima ].
आपोमय . (-यी/.) [आपस्-विकारे प्राचुर्य वा मयट् ] Consisting of water; 31012: 17: Ch. Up. 6. 5. 4.
STThat The subtle elementary principle of water ; आपश्चापोमात्रा च Prasna. Up.4.8.
ETTOTITIA: N. of a kind of prayer or formula repeated before and after eating the formulas being respectively अमृतोपस्तरणमसि स्वाहा and अमृतापिधानमसि स्वाहा); आपोशानक्रियापूर्वे सत्कृतान्नमकुत्सयन ). 1. 31, 106. -नम् The act of making an उपस्तरण (Ant) and अपिधान (covering) for the food eaten.
आप्त, आप्य see आप् . आप्तोर्यामः A kind of यज्ञ in the सप्तसोमसंस्था. 3T12: Ved. N. of a class of deities, especially of the deity Trita as belonging to that class.
आप्यै 1 A. 1 To grow fat, stout, or full, become full, increase; आहुत्याप्यायन सृथः 1.8.71. -2 To make full, strengthen, enlarge. -Unns. (2014) 1 To make fnt, full, or comfortable, increase entirge; लेजसा तव तेजश्च विष्णुराज्यायायिष्यनि Mb.; व कान्तिर्मन्मथाप्याथिता द्युतिः S. D.; वायुभिराज्यायितशरीर: Pt. I; Mett; क्षयीचा' यायतिः ATH: Ms. 9.314. -2 To gratify, rogale, satisfy, please; आप्यायितो वचनामृतेन H. 1; K. 1:24; Ms. 1, 2.
आपी. Fat, stout. -पी:J. The 20th Noksatra or lunar mansion.
आपीन .. [प्यै-क्त ] Stout, fat, strong. -न: A well; आपीनोऽन्धुः Mbh. on P. VI. 1.28. -नम् An udder, teat; आपीनभारोहनप्रयत्नान् R. 2. 18.
आप्यान . p. 1 Fat, stout, robust, strong; आप्यानचन्द्रमाः Mbh. on P. VI. 1.28. आ'यानस्कन्धकण्ठांऽसम् Bk. 5.56, 9.2. -2 Pleased, satisfied. -नम् 1 Love. -2 Growth, increase. 3714714: Becoming full or fat.
आप्यायन a. Causing fulness or stoutness, promoting welfare. -नम्, -ना [प्याय्-ल्युट्] 1 The act of makimg full or fat: क्रेदन पिण्डनं तृप्तिः प्राणनाण्यायनोन्दनम् Bhar
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