Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
अप्रहत .. .
....................... .... 2 7977 danany: Ms. 1.3; 12.91.-3 Not 37997 a. Difficult to be found. to be proved or lemonstrated (as Brahman). -
T ea 4. 1 Not praiseworthy, worthless, conBrahmn. -Comp.-31THTET. of unlimited might.
temptible. -2 Not approved, forbidden. -3 (Ved.) -37577 of inscrutable spirit' epithet of Siva.
Disobedient. -4 Less, deficient, decayed (fr). 19A , 1 Inability to remove pain. 39 a. 1 Not attached or addicted, moderate, -2 Absence of delight.
temperate. -2 Unconnected. -3 unobstructed; 1999 3779a a. Not energetic or diligent, indifferent,
I 198fil Mb. 9. 17. 50. a pathetic, not vealously devoted to (with loc.);
39afi: f. Non-attachment, moderation. F264gang Ms. 6. 26. -H: Absence of effort or exertion, watu 212254 Farha: Ms. 1. 89. indifference, apathy, laziness.
3965: 1 Want of attachment. -2 Want of con379rfor: /. [39-421-3f4 P. III. 3. 112, 7 changed nection. -3 Inopportune time or occasion; 31941 to T by P. VIII. 4. 29 ] Not going or progressing 7 12:4 7 Area (used only in uttoring imprecations ; 3492110
3972 a. 1 Not pleased. -2 Turbid, muddy. -24 Hat Sk. mayest thou not move onward or progress!
The milk of a cow milked after the 7th day of See 34fraft.
delivery. Nigh. T rof . Not allowing to go on or progress
37 EI: Distavour, displeasure. 312 ufa: (P. III. 3. 112; VIII. 4.30).
39 a. Not being prolific. -a: Not being born. 377rah ade. Without interruption, attentively. 1
a a. Barren, childless. 3rtyse, saya, sayaa a. Ved. Unceasing, continual, not separated (1992a); careful, attentive. gafety a. quite unable (to); F rufero
a 4 (2 ) Ku. 1. 54. 3499 a. 1 Not used or employed, not applied. -2 Wrongly used, as a word. -3 (In Rhet.) Rare,
3194€ . Not being affected by evils or ill omens ; unusual (as a word when used in a particular sense
Ch. Up. or gonder though that sense or gender be sanctioned gas a. 1 Unknown, umimportant, insignificant by lexicographers ); 974
fafigan: 291
p ada SH1 Ku. 3. 19.-2 Unusual, uncommons P aris ASTETT TT54ar! where the man. gender °974 an obsolete word. of can, though sanctioned (by Amara ), is not used
Tel: f. Obscurity, insignificance. by poets and is, therefore, 359.4 4 Mbh.
39 farfafa. ( .) Not belonging to the subjectSTT: Non-application or bad application, non- matter, irrelevant ( = 3 alah q. v.); Mal. employment. 37977: 31 T r Mbh. 1.1.1.
tega a. 1 Uusuitable to the time or subject, 37701 «. Prompt, quick.
not to the point, irrelevant. -2 Absurd, nonsensical; sad, art . 1 Not exciting or stimulating PUTEH ar gyfe lt. 1. - 3 Accidental or extrato action, inert, listaining from action : Tuinaata ar
neous. -4 Not ready. -Comp. -TTT a figure of tagre za Bri. Up. 2. 1. 5. -2 Continuous, speech which, by describing the 31+ga what is not un broken, uninterrupted.
the subject matter) conveys a reference to the w a 379aaah Not engaging in, not exciting to any
or subject matter ; 394a1a2149 1241 K.P.
10. It is of 5 kiuds:- fara a fase da afati action.
42 9 de 941 11 i. c. when the 39 a. 1 Not acting, not engaged in. -2 Not subiect-matter is viewed (a) as an effect, information instigated. -3 Not proper; 343 9506 122
of which is conveyed by stating the cause; (b) when 9 Mb. 5. 192. 17.
viewed as a cause by stating the effect; (c) when s afa: /. 1 Not engaging in action or proceeding,
viewed as a general assertion by stating a particular not taking place. -2 Inertia, inactivity, non-excite
instance: (a) when viewed as a particular instance ment, absence of incentive or stimulus.-3 In medio.)
by stating a general assertion; and (e) when viewed Suppression of the natural evacuations, constipation,
as similar by stating what is similar to it, See K. }'. ischuria &c.
10 and S. D. 706 for examplos. ____ अप्रवीत a. Ved. Not appronched; यदप्रवीता दधते ह 39 a. 1 Unhurt, intact. -2 Waste, unploughed, 744 Rv. 4.7.9. -al 1 Not loved (31#fat). -2 Not K. 326.-3 New and unbleached (as cloth ); ar a impregnated
श्वेतं सदशं यन्त्रधारितम् । निणेजकाक्षालितं चाप्रहतं वास उच्यते ।।
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