Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
No. 10452. FIATAY TETRÍCihlay. STÖTRARATNAM WITH TELUGU MEANING Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 141 x 1 inches. Pages, 82. Lines,
6 on a page. Character, T-lugu. Condition, much injured. Appearance, old. Complete. Same work as the above.
No. 10453. Falaza - ATGTH. STOTRARATNAM WITH COMMENTARY. Pages, 46. Liner, 11 on a page.
Begins on fol. 47a of the MS. described under No. 5349 and not on 46a as stated in the list of other works.
Breaks off in tbe fourteenth stanza.
Same text as the above; and the commentary is the same as that deseribed under R. No. 317 of the Triennial Catalogue of MSS., Vol. I, Part I-A.
No. 10454. FAITSE141577
STOTRARATNABHĀŞYAM. Sabstance, palm-leaf. Size, 19 x 14 inches. Pages, 130. Lines, 9
on a page. Character, Grantha. Condition, injured. Appear. ance, old. Complete. This commentary is the same as the above.
The name of the scribe and the date of the completion ol the transcript are thus given :
दुर्मुख्यब्दे तुलामासे शुक्लषष्ठयां रवेर्दिने । समग्रं व्यलिखत्स्तोत्रभाष्यं कूररघूहहः ॥
No. 10455. FäratahĄ.
SIOTRARA INABHĀSYAM. Substance, palm-leaf. Size, 18 Xit inches. Pager, 182. Lines, 9
on a page. Character, Grantha. Condition, much injured. Appearance, old.
For Private and Personal Use Only