Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavadgita Word-Index Pt. 1A
1294. FUF Acc. sing. of the 1308. JAT: Nom. plu. of the mas. mas. noun Jayadratha ( The name of form of the past participial adj. Jāta the king of Sindhudeśa who was the (See No. 1307) 10. 6. son-in-law of Dhrtarāstra) 11. 34. 1309. aastaf: Nom. plu. of the
1295. ET: Nom. singof the mas. comp. noun Jātidharma (Duties mas. noun Jayadratha (See No. 1294). appropriate to one's community ) This occurs only as a variant for the 1. 43. words Tathaiva ca occurring in 1. 8, 1310. I Adv. Ind. (Verily ) 2. adopted by Nilakantha and Madhu- 12; 3. 5, 23. südana.
1311. Flag Nom. sing. of the pres. 1296. 14: Nom. sing. of the mas. participial adj. Jānat (Knowing ) noun Jaya ( Victory ) 10. 36.
8. 27. 1297. FEFÈ Acc. dual of the mas. 1312. gratia Pres. paras. 3rd pers. comp. noun Jayājaya (Victory and sing. of the Ubhayapadi root Jña defeat) 2. 38.
(To know.) 15. 19. 1298. FA Pot. 1st pers. plu. of 1313. jra Pres. Ātma. 1st pers. the root Ji-jay ( To conquer ) 2. 6. sing. of the root Jñā ( See No. 1312)
1299. 3: Pot. 3rd pers. plu. of 11. 25. the root Ji-jay ( See No. 1298) 2.6. 1314. Arga Pres. 3rd pers. sing. of
1300. Tr Nom. sing. of the fem. the root Jan-jā ( See No. 1277) 1. 29, noun Jarā (Old age ) 2. 13.
41 ; 2. 20; 14. 152. 1301. TRATTAMENT Dat sing. of
f 1315. hyra Pres. 3rd pers. plu. the mas. comp. noun Jaramaraņa
of the root Jan-jā (See No. 1277) moksa (Release from births and 14. 12, 13. deaths) 7. 29.
1316. Figet Nom. sing. of the 1302. Tera Pres. 3rd pers. sing.
fem. noun Jāhnavi (A name of the
river Ganges derived from Jahnu of the root Hā ( To abandon) 2. 50.
10. 31. 1303. Ale Imp. 2nd pers. sing. of 1317. ferfiqarx Gen. plu. of the the root Han (See No. 1208 ) 3. 43; desi. participle Jigişat (One who 11. 34.
wishes to conquer ) 10. 38. 1304. Ami Pres. 3rd pers. sing. 1318. PATETC Nom. sing. of the of the root Jāgr (To become or pres. Participial adj. Jighrat (Smellremain awake ) 2. 69.
ing ) 5. 8. 1305. a: Gen. sing. of the pres. 1319. fatiffarura: Desi. 1st pers. participial adj. Jāgrat (Waking) plu. of the root Jiv (To live ) 2. 6. 6. 16.
1320. fig: Nom. sing. of the 1306. raia Pres. irregular 3rd desi. nominal base Jijñāsu ( One who pers. sing. of the root Jägr (See is desirous of acquiring knowledge ) No. 1304 ) 2. 69.
6. 44 ; 7. 16. 1307. Frei Gen. sing. of the mas. 1321. fera artta: Nom. plu. of the form of the past participial adj. Jāta mas, form of the comp. adj. Jita(Born) 2. 27.
sangadosa (One who has mastered 58
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