Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavad gitā Word-Index Pt. I A
351. 32A Inst. sing. of the neu. 364. urfa: Nom. sing. of the fem. noun Ambhas (Water) 5. 10.
comp. adj. Arati ( Absence of affec352. 37 Loc. sing. of the neu. tion) 13. 10. noun Ambhas (See No. 351 ) 2. 67. 365, 37 tava: Adv. formed from
353. zint: Nom. sing. of the mas. the comp. noun Arāgadveşa (Neg. noun Amsa ( A particle ) 15. 7. Tat. of Rāgadveşa ) by the addition
254 agora Nom sing of the of the suffix Tas, having the sense form of the adj. Amsumat used as of the abl. case-termination (Witha noun ( One who has rays i, e. the out being actuated by attachment sun ) 10. 21.
or hatred ) 18. 23. 355. 3477 Gen. sing. of the mas.
366. IEET Voc. sing. of the mas. comp. adj. Avaiña (One who does comp. noun Arisūdana (The denot perform any kind of sacrifices') stroyer of enemies ) 2. 4. 4. 31.
367. Brah Inf. of the root Arc 356. 3771a: Nom. sing, of the mas.
of the mas. (To worship ) 7. 21. form of the comp. adj. Ayati (One 368. 3 Voc. sing. of the mas. who does not make an effort) 6. 37. noun Arjuna (The name of the third
357. Tegra Ady. Ind. (As a Pāndava and the principal hero on thing really is not ) 18. 31.
the Pandava side in the Mbh. War) 358. haag Loc. plu. of the neu.
2.2, 45; 3. 7; 4. 5, 9, 37; 6. 16,
32, 46; 7. 16, 26; 8, 16, 27; 9. 19; noun Ayana ( An entrance to an array of forces ) 1.11.
10. 32, 39, 42; 11. 47, 54; 18. 9,
34, 61. 359. 97977: Nom. sing. of the mas.
369. # Acc. sing. of the mas. comp. noun Ayasa (Infamy or illfame). 10. 5.
noun Arjuna ( See No. 368) 11. 50.
370. 37 : Nom. sing. of the mas. 360. 377# Nom. sing. of the mas.
noun Arjuna (See No. 368) 1. 21,* form of the pronoun Idam (See No. 153 ) 2. 19, 202, 249, 259, 30, 58;
28, 47; 2. 4, 54 ; 3. 1, 36; 4. 4 ; 5.1; 3. 9, 36; 4. 3, 31, 40; 6. 21, 33; 7. 25;
6. 33, 37; 8.1 ; 10. 12; 11. 1, 15, 36,
51 ; 12. 1 ; 14. 21 ; 17, 1 ; 18. 1, 73. 8.19; 11.1 ; 13. 31 ; 15. 9; 17.3.
371. 3745TAIT Acc. plu. of the 361. story Gen. sing. of the mas.
mas. form of the comp. adj. Arthaform of the comp. adj. Ayukta (One whose mind is not composed ) 2.662.
kāma (One desirous of getting
objects of enjoyment) 2.5. 362. u: Nom. sing. of the mas.
372. 372164994: Nom. sing. of form of the comp. adj. Ayukta ( See no. 361 ) 5. 12; 18. 28.
the comp. noun Arthavyapāśraya 363. Tora: Adv. formed from the
(Dependence upon an object.) 3. 18. comp. noun Ayoga (Neg. Tat. of * Except Sankara according to th Yoga) by the addition of the suffix edition no other commentator reads Arjuna Tas, having the sense of the abl.
uváca between lines 1 and 2 of 1. 21.
(App. I. 2). It seems to be tautologous case-terin nation without having also in view of the statement Idamäha in recourse to Yoga ) 5. 6.
line 1.
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