Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
325. officer Nom. sing. of the 337. syaratan Nomsing. of the fem. form of the past pass. parti- neu. noun Abhyutthāna ( Prevalence cipial adj. Abhihita (Narrated) 2. 39. or predominance ) 4. 7.
326. fee: Nom. sing. of the 338, BAIT Acc. plu. of the mas. mag. form of the adj. Abhyadhika form of the adj. Amala (Pure) 14. 14. (Surpassing ) 11. 43.
339. aparaat Nom. sing. of the 327. apped Ind. past participle of neu.comp. noun Amanitva (Absence the root Arc with the prefix Abhi of egotism ) 13. 7. ( To worship ) 18. 46.
340. opfham : Nom. sing. of the 328. 8TPUTE #1: Nom. plu. of mas. form of the comp. adj. Amitathe mas. form of the adj. Abhya- vikrama (One whose strength is be8Ūyaka (One who entertains jealousy) yond measure ) 11. 40. 16. 18.
341, arat Nom. sing. of the mas. 329. apagara Pres. 3rd pers. sing. form of the pronoun Adas ( 'This ) of the root Asūy with the prefix 11. 21, 26, 28. Abhi ( To become jealous of 18.67. 342. ET Adv. Ind. ( There or in
330. Sepera: Nom. plu. of the the other world ) 6. 40. mas. form of the pres. participial 343. TEST: Nom. plu, of the mas. adj. Abhyasūyat (Becoming jealous form of the comp. adj. Amūdha of) 3. 32.
(One who is not deluded ) 15. 5. 331. 977778 pan Imperf. 3rd pers. 344. apyaaru Dat. sing. of the plu. of root Han with the prefix neu. noun Amrtatva (Immortality ) Abhi (To destroy completely) 1. 13. 2. 15.
332. xalaünyana Inst. sing. of 345. wat Gen. sing. of the neu. the mas. form of the comp. adj. noun Amsta (Immortality or nectar) Abhyāsayogayukta ( That (the mind) 14. 27. which has been applied to the prac- 346. 37 Nom. or acc. sing. of tice of the Abhyāsa-yoga ) 8. 8. the neu. noun Amộta ( See No. 345 )
333. 37TH Inst. sing. of the 9. 19; 10. 18; 13. 12; 14. 20. mas. comp. noun Abhyāsayoga (A 347. SATH Acc. sing. of the gradual course of Yoga-exercise mas. form of the comp. adj. helpful in bringing the mind under Amộtodbhava (Produced from the one's control, for which see 6. 10-32) ocean ) 10. 27. 12.9.
348. AT Nom. sing. of the 334. BITTATT Abl.sing. of the mas. neu. form of the comp. adj. Amistonoun Abhyasa (The same as Abhyā pama (Comparable to nectar ) 18. sa-yoga; see No. 333 ) 12. 12; 18. 36. 37, 38.
335. ETT Loc. sing. of the mas. 349. B E Nom. sing. of the neu. noun Abhyāsa (See Nos. 333 and form of the comp. adj. Amedhya 334 ) 12. 10.
(That which is unfit for being made 336. 3o Inst. sing. of the mas. use of in a sacrifice) 17. 10. noun Abhyāsa (Abhyāsa-yoga, for 350. stā: Nom. plu. of which See No. 333, or constant prac. mas. comp. noun Ambuvega (A tice ) 6.35.
stream or current of water ) 11. 28.
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