Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavadgitā Word-Index Pt. I A
3398. aagt: Nom. plu. of the Nom. sing. of the neu. noun mas. form of the comp. past pass. Sattva ( An entity or existing thing, participial adj. Satatayukta (See or existence, according to context) No. 3397 ) 12.1.
10. 36, 41 ; 13. 26; 18. 40. 3399. Ta Adv. Ind. (For ever
3408. PT Abl. sing. of the neu. or constantly ) 3. 19; 6. 10; 8. 14;
noun Sattva ( The attribute of that 9. 14 ; 12. 14 ; 17. 24 ; 18. 57.
name ) 14. 17. 3400. 9a: Gen. sing. of the neu.
3409. quaTET Nom. sing. of the form of the pres. participial adj.
fem. form of the comp. adj. SattvaSat used as a noun (A thing which
nurūpa ( After the pattern of one's exists ) 2. 16.
own being i. e. the heart ) 17. 3.
3410. Ata Loc. sing. of the neu. 3401. Afa Loc. sing. of the neu.
noun Sattva ( See No. 3408) 14. 14. form of the pres. participial adj.
3411. AT Nom. or acc. sing. of Sat ( Being ) 18. 16.
the neu. noun Satya ( Truth) 10. 4; 3402. Fragsri# The fem.
fem. 16. 2,7; 18. 65; comp. noun Satkāramānapujä with Ac
Acc. sing. of the neu. form of the the suffix Artham having the sense adi. Satva (True 17. 15. of the dat. case-termination ( For the 3412. PT Nom. sing. of the neu. sake of getting reception, honour
comp. noun Sadasat (Existence and or homage ) 17. 18.
non-existence ) 11. 37. 3403. Fragart Gen. plu. of the 3413. FECIFFE Loc. plu. of mas. form of the comp. adj. Sattva- the neu. comp. noun Sadasad yonivat ( One who possesses the Sattva- janma (Birth in a good or bad species guņa ) 10. 36.
of beings ) 13. 21. 3404. agarrare: Nom. sing. of 3414. Far Adv. Ind. (Always or the mas. form of the comp. past
for ever) 5. 28 ; 6. 15, 28; 8. 6; pass. participial adj. Sattvasamāvista 10. 17; 18. 56. One who is possessed all over by
by 3415. TETH Acc. sing. of the neu. the Sattvaguna) 18. 10.
form of the adj. Sadrśa (Similar to
or like ) 3. 33 ; 4.38. 3405. a : Nom. sing. of the
416. FET: Nom. sing. of the mas. fem. comp. noun Sattvasamśuddhi
form of the adj. Sadrsa (See (Purification of the heart) 16.1.
No. 3415 ) 16. 15. 3406. qTTET: Nom. plu. of the 3417. Feat Nom. sing. of the fem. mas. form of the comp. adj. form of the adj. Sadréa (See Sattvastha (Posted in the Sattva- No. 3415 ) 11. 12. guna) 14. 18.
3418. gen Acc. sing. of the 3407. 912 Nom. or acc. sing. of neu. form of the comp. adj. Sadosa the neu. noun Sattva (One of the (Accompanied by a fault ) 18. 48. three attributes of the primordial 3 419. 9 Loc. sing. of the mas. matter, or grit, or stamina) 14. 5, comp. noun Sadbhāva ( The state 6, 9, 10, 11 ; 17. 1 ;
of existence) 17. 26. 148
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