Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
3374. TTTT Acc. plu, of the 3386. Feat: Nom. sing. of the mas. form of the comp. adj. San- mas. form of the comp. adj. Sacetas kalpaprabhava ( That which owes its (Lively or pacified ) 11. 51. origin to thoughts ) 6. 24.
3387. : Nom. sing. of the 3375. AF Loc. sing. of the neu. mas. comp. noun
mas. comp. noun Sacchabda (The noun Sankhya (A battle) 1. 47 ; 2. 4. word Sat ) 17. 26. 3376. AgTica Nom. sing. of the
3388. à Pres. 3rd pers. sing.
of the root Sañj (To become atneu. form of the comp. past pass.
tached ) 3. 28. participial adj. Sangarahita (Devoid of attachment ) 18. 23.
3389. a Pres. 3rd pers. plu. of
the root Sañj (See No. 3388 ) 3. 29. 3377. Harsta: Nom. sing. of the mas. form of the comp. past pass.
3390. AT Nom. sing. of the participial adi. Sangavariita (One pres. participial adj. Sanjanayat who has given up all attachment)
(Producing ) 1. 12. 11. 55.
3391. T Voc. sing. of the mas.
noun Sañjaya ( The name of the man 3378. agraatia: Nom. sing. of who narrated the Mbh. War to the mas. form of the comp. past Dhrtarāstra ) 1.1. pass. participial adj. Sangavivarjita 3 392. rofa Pres. 3rd pers. sing. ( One who has completely given up of the root Sañi (See No. 3388) all attachment ) 12. 18.
14. 9. 3379. Ah Acc. sing. of the mas. 3393. 39: Nom. sing. of the noun Sanga (Attachment) 2. 48; mas. noun Sañjaya ( See No. 3391) 5. 10, 11 ; 18. 6, 9.
1.2, 24, 47; 2. 1,9; 11.9, 35, 50; 3380. 97: Nom. sing. of the mas. 18. 74. noun Sanga ( See No. 3379 ) 2. 47, 62. 3394. a Pass. 3rd pers. sing. 3381. Ta Abl. sing. of the mas.
of the root Jan-jā with the prefix Sam
(To give birth to ) 2. 62; 13. 26; noun Sanga ( See No. 3379)2. 62.
14. 17. 3382. A got Inst. sing. of the
3395. IĘ The fem. noun mas. noun Sangraha ( Brevity or suc
Sanjñā with the suffix Artham having cinctness ) 8. 11.
the sense of the dat. case-termina3383. THE Acc. sing. of the tion (For the sake of knowledge ) mas. noun Sangrāma (A battle) 2.33. 1.7.
3384. Hera: Nom. sing. of the 3396. Nom. sing. of the neu. mas. noun Sanghāta (Lit. 'a collect- form of the pres. participial adj. tion'; here 'the organised collection (Being) Sat used as a noun (Exisof senses &c. called the physical tence) 9. 19; 13. 12; 17. 23, 26, 27. body') 13. 6.
3397. aayath Gen. plu. of the 3385. aar Acc. sing. of the mas. form of the comp. past pass. neu. form of the comp. adj. Sacara participial adj. Satatayukta (One cara used as a noun (The mobile who is always of a composed or welland the immobile ) 9. 10; 11.7. balanced mind ) 10. 10.
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