Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
1971. TIST Voc. sing. of the mas. 1984. qera Inst. sing. of the neu. noun Pandava (The son of Pārdu, noun Päpa ( See No. 1981) 5. 10. here used to address Arjuna who was 1985. TOYJ: Abl. plu. of the mas. one of the sons of Pandu ) 4. 35; noun Pāpa ( See No. 1983 ) 4. 36. 6.2; 11. 55 ; 14. 22; 16. 5.
1986. The Loc. plu. of the mas. 1972. qrea: Nom. sing. of the noun Pāpa ( See No. 1983 ) 6.9. mas. noun Pāndava (See No. 1971). 1987. gre Acc. sing. of the 1. 14, 20; 11. 13.
mas. noun Pāpman (Sin personified 1973. grugaraia Gen. plu. of the or incarnate) 3. 41. mas. noun Pändava (See No. 1971). 1988. 9762# Nom. sing. of the used here in the general sense
neu. noun Pārusya (Ironical speech ) 10. 37.
16.4. 1974. gogaral # Acc. sing. of the 1989. TO Voc. sing. of the mas. neu. comp. noun Pārdavānika (The noun Pārtha ( A son of Prthā i.e. army of the Pandavas ) 1.2.
Kunti, here used to address Arjuna) 1975. arizal: Nom. plu. of the 1.25 ; 2.3, 21, 32, 39, 42, 55, 72; mas. noun Pandava (See No. 1971 ) 3. 16, 22, 23; 4. 11, 33; 6. 40; 7.1, used here in the general sense. 1. 1. 10; 8. 8, 14, 19, 22, 27; 9. 13, 32;
1976. rozta # Gen. plu. of the 10. 24 ; 11. 5; 16. 4, 6; 17. 26, 28 : mas. comp. noun Pānquputra (A son
18.6, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 72. In of Pandu ) 1.3.
18. 35 the part of the sentence in 1977. Ta Acc. sing. of the neu.
which this word occurs is yra:
पार्थ तामी . Saikara according to the noun Pātaka (Sin ) 1. 38.
J. H. P. edition, Puruşottamaji and 1978. 91 Nom. sing. of the neu.
Nilakantha and all the 8 comm. in noun Pātra ( Ordinarily 'a vessel' but
the G. P. edition of 1912 read inhere 'a fit person for a gift' ) 17. 20.
stead धृतिः सा तामसी मता ( App. I.37). 1979. Hi Nom. sing. of the Although in that case the address super. degree of the noun Päpakrt
oun rapakrt to Arjuna would be omitted the treated as an adj. (The greatest
sense of the sentence as a whole sinner ) 4. 36.
would not be affected thereby. 1980. Tür: Nom. sing. of the 1990. TIET Gen, sing. of the mas. mas. form of the comp. noun Pāpa- noun Pārtha ( See No. 1989 ) 18. 74. yoni (One whose low birth is the 1991. de: Nom. sing. of the mas. result of one's sins ) 9. 32.
noun Pārtha (See No. 1989) 1.26; 1981. 99# Nom. or acc. sing. of 18. 78. the neu. noun Pāpa (Sin or blemish) 1992. TYTO Dat. sing. of the mas. 1. 36, 45 ; 2. 33, 38; 3. 36; 5. 15; noun Pärtha ( See No. 1989) 11. 9. 7. 28.
1993. 9728: Nom. sing. of the mas. 1982. TOTT Abl. sing. of the neu. noun Pāvaka (Fire) 2. 23; 10. 23; noun Pāpa ( Seu No. 1981 ) 1.39. 15. 6.
1983. Tror: Nom. plu. of the mas. 1994. gaara Nom. plu. of the noun Pāpa ( A sinful man ) 3. 13. neu. noun Pāvana (Purifier) 18. 5.
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