Alamkara, Sangita and Nalya
He makes the following remarks about the work and the author:-" The wood Kavikarpați means " the ragged cloth of a poet ” and the work is a strange effort at supplying a profuse stock of expressions etc. The author, who also wrote the Laţakamelaka-prahasana was the court-poet of Mahamandalikadhiraja Govind-nộpati, king of Kanyakubja, and wrote in the first half of the 12th century (about 1113-1143 A. D.).” p. 217.
Kavikarpatīkaracanã No. 43
1891-95... Size.— 9 in. by 41 in. Extent.- 10 leaves ; 12 lines to a page ; 28 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper; not very old ; Devanāgari characters
hand-writing, bold, clear and legible; borders of foll. 2 and 3a ruled in double black lines; folio-numbers marked in
left and right hand margins. Age. - The Ms is not very old. Author.- Śamkucara. Begins.- folio 1a
T: FUTETUNTAST: etc., as in No. 42. Ends,- folio 10
ga: FATHÔ farangalatere I etc., up to a stare शंकुचरविरचिते कविकटीकरचना समाप्ता ॥ as in No. 42.
followed by il strell PTT TT&T References. - Same as in No. 42.