820 Tantra
[497. स्वरोदय
Svarodaya with
with टीका
commentary No. 497
1898-99. Size.- 11 in. by sfin. Extent. -28 leaves%3 Io lines to a page3; 32 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper; Devanagari characters; hand writ.
ing good ; it is a fragment : foll. 3-9 and 13 are wanting ; it begins on fol. 1 and breaks off on fol. 36. Paper is old and musty; fol. 36 is worn out.
The text of this ms, agrees with that of No. 494. considerably, but the two are not identical. It contains a commentary also, but the names of author and commentary
are not found. Age.- Appears to be old. Author. - Anonymous. Begins.-- fol. 10 "
(com.) श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ श्रीभवानीशंकराभ्यां नमः॥श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः॥ नत्वा श्रीमन्नगजा देवीं चैव गणाधिप ॥ शिवेनोक्त स्वर शास्त्र टीका तस्य करोम्यहं ॥१॥ प्रणम्य वैष्णवानां च तथा सर्वे मनीषिणां ॥ यथामति मम लोक्य व्याख्यां तस्य करोम्यहं ॥२॥ , (text) श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ शांते शुद्ध मदाचारे गुरुभक्तोकमानमे ॥ दृढचित्ते कृतज्ञच देय चेव स्वरोदय ॥१॥
श्रीगम जयराम जयजयराम ॥ (fol. 2) दृष्टे च दुर्जने भुने आशांत गृहलोपके ।
होनसत्व दुराचारे स्वरज्ञानं न दीयते ॥२॥ पार्वत्युवाच।।
देव देव महादेव कृपां कृत्वा ममोपरि ।। सर्वसिद्धिकरं ज्ञानं कथयस्व मम प्रभो ॥ ३॥ ete.