colouring on borders with golden letters in the central line. Borders of remaining folios have red, orange and black colours on border lines. Marks of punctuation, the words, and are in red ink. Paper is very good- thick, only it is slightly spoiled by dampness at some places. The ms. is a piece of art.
The text agrees considerably with that of No. 497.
It has got a Hindi Translation. It is incomplete; the name of the owner of ms is परमानंद.
Age.— Appears to be old.
Author.— Anonymous.
Begins. - fol. 1 and the following.
डों श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ अथ
in golden letters - सटीका सरोदया लिष्य ( ordinary ink )
ते ॥
श्रीपार्वत्युवाच ॥ डों
देव देव जगन्नाथ कृपां कृत्वा ममोपरि ॥
सर्वसिद्धिकरं ज्ञानं कथयस्व मम प्रभो ॥ १ ॥
in golden letters का || श्रीपार्वतीजी महादेवजी सो प्र ( in red ink ) डण करत है ! श्रीमहादेवजी मोमों कृपाक- ( ordinary ink ) रिकै सर्वसिद्धकरी ज्ञान कहो || जा ज्ञान तें सर्वसिद्धि वांक्षा राहयौ करे || आज्ञानवंतः ॥ etc.
Ends.-- fol. 137*
श्लोक ॥ शांतं शुद्धे सदाचारे गुरुभक्थ्येक मानसे ||
हढचित्ते कृतज्ञ च देयं चत्र सदयं ॥ ८५ ॥
टीका || अहो पार्वती यो स्वरादय शास्त्र हे असा शिष्य को नांई ॥ पढाये शांत होय सत्रते अंताकरणमांहि जारे मल ( fol. 137 ) करि शुद्ध होइ ॥ ती तो पढाई सिवा जे हर्जि और सदाचार ने दीने । आचारी होय तेने पढाने सिषा जे गुरुभक्ति विषे येकाग्रमन होय तनै दौज ॥ कृतज्ञ होय परयाकीया नै जाणे तेन यो स्वरोदय शास्त्रही जं । पढा जे सिपाजे लिखि दीजे अथ पढाजे ॥ श्लोक " दुष्ट
References.- No. 494.