166 Tantra
147 चण्डीस्तोत्रप्रयोगविधि (?) Candistotraprayogavidhi (1) No. 147
1884-86. Size.- 10in. by 4it in. Extent.- Is leaves ; 11 lines to a page ; 26 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper; Devanagari characters; two hand
writings, one from fol. I to fol. 13 is bad and the other on remaining leaves is good. Colophons and verse-numbers tinged with red pigment; paper is old, worn out and musty. It is incomplete.
The work appears to be a part of Nagisa's commentary on Saptašali. Like other Mss. of this work it quotes from Varabitantra, Krodatantra, Maricitantra, Katyajánilanira, etc. It seems that the name Maricitantra
was given to it from a colophon. Age.- Appears to be fairly old. 'Author.- Nagesabhatta? Begins.- fol. 1.
श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ चंडीपाठफलं देवि शृणुष्व गवतो मम। एकाव दिपाठानां यथावत्कथयामि ते ॥१॥ संकम्पपूर्वसंपूज्य न्यस्यांगेषु मतु सछत् ।
. उपसर्गोशात्यर्थं निरावसं पठेन्नरः ॥२॥ ग्रहोपांत्य कुर्वीत पंचावृतं वरानने।
.. महामये समुत्पने सप्ताहतमवीरयेत् ॥ ३ ॥ etc. .. Ends. fol. 156
. चंडीसप्तसतीजाप्ये होमे मंत्री नवाक्षर। . - घृतकुंभदशांशेन दद्यात्पूर्णाहुति स्वयं ॥ .. .. .. पूर्वानमिति मंत्रेण।
अथ दक्षिणावाने विशेषो मि ब्राह्मणे पद निष्वायं दद्याद्वोमिथुनवयं यस्या
प्रमाषमतुलं श्लोकान् पूर्ववत् अभिषेकं मंत्र जप्वा पुनः प्राणायामपडंग. . ध्यानानि च कृत्वा ।
. References.- See No. 146.-.........