165 चण्डीस्तोत्रप्रयोगविधि
Caņdistotraprayogavidhi No. 146
1887-91. Size.- 11, in, by s} in. Extent.- 12 leaves ; 14 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper; Devanagari characters; hand-writ
ing good; benedictory phrase, names of authorities quoted, the mantras, marks of punctuation and the last colophon are tinged with red pigment; paper is old, musty and the last leaf is slightly worn out.
The work is a commentary by Någojibhasta on Candistotra. For further details see Saptaśatiprayogavidhi, No. 1028 of 1891-95. In the beginning, however, the phrase अथ कात्यायनीतंत्र लिख्यते might confuse the readers.
Aufrecht in his Catalogus Catalogorum i, 92a ascribes one Katyayanitantra to Nāgoji Bhațţa. But Katyayani. tantra is an original tantra according to Mitra's Notices. Vol. VII, No. 2488 and Madras Govt. O. Mss. Cat.
No.5573. Age.-Sam. 1858. Author.-Nagoji Bhatta. Begins.- fol. 1.
॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥
अथ कात्यायनीतंत्र लिख्यते ॥ तंत्रसारकृत्प्रयोगसारे वाराहीतंत्रे ।
संस्कृत्यभूमि संस्थाप्य कलशं तीर्थयारिणा | etc. Ends.- fol. 120
अत्र दिक्षिणायां दरिद्राणां चतु:मुवर्णमितं रजतं रूप्यं निष्करूप दक्षिणा || समर्थानां तु चतुःसुवर्णमितं ।। हेमसुवर्णमशीति एंजामितं ॥१॥
इति श्रीमदुपाध्यायोपनामकशिवभसुतसतीगर्भजनागोजीमहकते मार्कडेयपुराणांतर्गतसप्तशत्याख्यचंडस्तिोत्रव्याख्याने चंडीस्तोत्रप्रयोगविधिः संपूर्ण ॥
संवत् १८५८ शाके १७२३ चैत्र शुक्ले १० गुरुवासरे लिखितं जोसी मुरलीधरमीजी श्री ५ वालमुकंदजी की पुस्तक स्वार्थे परार्थ च लिखि
जैपुरमध्ये॥ References. — Aufrecht's - Catalagus Cat. i, 777'; ii, 364; iii, 38“.