Description.-- Country paper; Devanāgari characters; old in app
earance; hand-writiug bold, clear, legible and uniform ; borders ruled in double red lines; corrections, made with
white chalk ; fol. I missing; incomplete. Age.-- Appears to be old. Author.-- Rucipati. Begins.--abruptly on fol. 2a
श्रीमान् संप्रति भैरवेंद्रनृमणिः सर्वार्थिचिंतामणिर्जातो लोचनगोचरो यदि तदा किं तेन तेनापि वा ॥४॥
___etc. as in No. 9 Ends.--abruptly on fol. 166
उद्वेगंश्वायं सप्तस्वकेषु बोधव्यः यथा अपि कथमसाविति प्रथमांके अष्ट
मिष्टामखानिति द्वितीयांके कन्यामपोनिजन्मानमिति तृतीयांकादा References.- See No. 9.
Anarghyarāghavatikā No. 14
Visrāma (i). Size.-- 13 in by 4, in. Extent. — 170 leaves ; 9 lines to a page ; 45 letters to a line. Description.-Modern paper with water-marks, 1819; Devanagari
characters; hand-writing clear, legible and uniform; borders ruled with double red lines; corrections made with yellow pigment; folio, following fol. 158, is not numbered ; name of the work written in the margins and on the fly
leaves; complete. Age.-- A modern copy. Author.-- Rucipati. Begins.--fol. ID
श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ दोर्दडद्वितयेन खंडपरशो' etc., as in No. 9.