Jainendravyākaraņa No. 52
1891-95 Size - 104 in. by 41 in. Extent-28 leaves, 11 lines to page, 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; clear, legible
and correct writing; margins ruled and red chalk much used. On leaf la, on leaf 28b and occasionally in the body of the work occur some notes, which are of considerable
interest (see below). Complete. Age - Samvat 1797. Author - The work is here attributed to Sriviraprabhu. Subject - A new grammar in 5 Adhyāyas of 4 Pādas each. Begins — The text proper is introduced by a short indication as to
the authorship of the work (fol. la) which runs thus : ॐ नमः पार्थाय ।
जैनेंद्रमैंद्रत: सिद्धहैमतो जयहैमवत् ।
प्रकृत्यंतरदूरत्वान्नान्यतामेतुमर्हति ॥ कथं ।
इंद्रश्चंद्रः काशिकृत्स्नापिशली शाकटायनः । . .. . • पाणिन्यमरजिनेंद्रा जयंत्यष्टादिशाब्दिकाः॥ इति चतुर्थी तद्धितानुपलक्षणात् ।
यदिंद्राय जिनेंद्रेण कौमारेपि निरूपितं ।
ऐंद्रजैनेंद्रमिति तत्प्राहुः शब्दानुशासनं ॥ यदा( था ? )वश्यकनियुक्तिः ।
अहंतं अम्मापि अरोजाणित्ता महिय अठवासंतु । कयकोउ अलंकारं लेहाय रिअस्स उवणिति ॥ सक्को अत स्समरकं भयवंतं आसणे निवेसित्ता । सहस्स लरकणं पुच्छेवागरणं भवयवाहंदं॥