Description - The Ms. is written on palm leaves in bold and careful
Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs. The leaves are well preserved except for the fact that they are slightly wormeaten especially towards the end. As usual there is a blank space in the centre, with a whole meant for the string. Red tilaka marks in the centre and in the margins; red chalk frequently used. The writing on the first and the last leaves is so faded as to be hardly legible. The leaves are numbered with numerical figures on the right and with letters on the left-hand side. In both the ordinary and the syllabic notations, fol. 114 is numbered twice and fol. 116 omitted. Fol. 214 is absent altogether. Complete to the end of the आख्यात section.
Age --Fron general appearance as well as the method of numbering
the pages the Ms. is at least 450 years old.
Author - Jinaprabodhasūri.
Subject -A commentary on Trilocanadasa's Katantravrtti-vivarana
panjika. Begins - The writing on the first leaf is indistinct, the ink having
disappeared by rubbing. It runs something like this — नई ॥ नमः सर्वविदे । नमः श्रुतदेवतायै ।।
श्रीवीरं जिनदत्तसूरिसुगुरुं (१ प्रह्वः)प्रणम्येप्सितं नत्वा श्रीश्रुतदेवता भगवती चा(राध्य बुद्धिप्रदां । भज्ञोप्यस्मि गुरूपदेशमहिमर्या पंजिकायाः क्वचिद्
वृत्तेः (श्रीपद ?) शास्त्रतोऽस्फुटपदव्याख्यां लिखामि स्फु(ट) ॥१॥ ...दौ तावत् शिष्टसमाचारपालनार्थ निर्विघ्नेन शास्त्रपरिसमा(प्तर्थ चा)भीष्टदेवतानमस्कारं प्रेक्षावतां प्रवृत्त्यर्थमभिधेयसंबंधप्रयोजनानि च प्रतिपिपादयिषुः पंजिकाकारः श्लोकद्वयं चकार । प्रण(म्येत्या)दि ॥ प्रणम्य शर्व रुद्र दुर्गसिंहोक्तकातंत्रवृत्तिदुर्गपदान्यहं विवृणोमीति - The last line tem the page is illegible. Fol. 2a - षष्ठोसमासो वा संबोधनं वा । वाक्ये उपसर्जनस्य विशेषणं भवति ॥ etc. The तद्धितप्रकरण ends on fol. 78b with these words - प्राग्देशे प्रामनगरयोरित्यनेन प्राप्ताया वृद्धः प्रतिषेधो वृद्धिरागमश्च भवति ॥ इति श्रीलिनेश्वरसूरिशिष्यश्रीजिनप्रबोधविरचिते पंजिकादुर्गमबोधे तदितर मं.."चतुष्कस्य सर्वो ग्रंथः ......... ||