A. Katantra
and worm-eaten so as to destroy the numerous marginal potes. Generally correct but quite fragmentary-wanting the beginning and end. Begins on folio 22a with a portion of area factuur and ends on folio 85b with 98917 with a little of H .
Age - Seems to be considerably old.
Author - Durgasimha after whom it is called.
Subject - A concise commentary on the Kātantra Sūtras. Begins - ...itta pgauigt 721H I ATT INTE ita etc. Ends - दहिदुहिमिहिरिहिरुहिलिहिलुहिनहिवहेोत् । एभ्यो दशभ्योऽसार्वधातुकमनिट
Hafa i gialle i ferie i atrati HE I HOT I free!
TO I TE ITTET I Reference - India office catalogue Ms. 730 and ff. The Sūtras of
Kātantra grammar with this are and extracts from other commentaries have been edited by J. Eggeling.
दौर्गसेही वृत्ति
Daurgasaiihi Vịtti
No. 34
Size – 12 in. by 5 in. Extent - 80 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 32 letters to a line. Description - Old country paper, very much damaged all round
and worm-eaten. Devanāgari characters with SHTETS, writing bold and legible generally. A margidal commentary only portions of which are legible, fairly accurate, quite fragmentary, many intervening leaves probably missing. Begins with Arms and ends with HEH 4 of
area. Wanting both the beginning and the end. Age — Seems to be considerably old. Begins — syna yfiraitat form u afat I gait Arna i etc.