These four verses are added by a later hand. The verses occurring at the end of the several as of the 8th Adhyaya of the Sabdanuśāsanabṛhadvṛtti are: यद्दोमंडल कुंडलीकृतधनुदंडेन सिद्धाधिप
क्रीतं वैरिकुलान्वयात्किल दलत्कुंदावदातं यशः । भ्रात्वा श्रीणि जगति खेदविवशं तम्मालवीनां व्यधादापांडौ स्तनमंडले च धवले गंडस्थले च स्थितम् ॥ द्विषत्पुरक्षोदविनोदुहेतोर्भवा (वे ? ) दवामस्य भवद्भुजस्य । अयं विशेषो भुवनैकवीर परं न यत्काममपाकरोति ॥ ऊर्ध्व स्वर्गनिकेतनादपि तले पातालमूलादपि त्वत्कीर्त्तिर्भ्रमति क्षितीश्वरमणे पारे पयोधेरपि । तेनास्याः प्रमदास्वभावसुल भैरुच्चावचैश्चापलैस्ते वाचं यमवृत्तयोपि मुनयो मौनव्रतं त्याजिताः ॥
'आसीद्विशांपतिरमुद्रचतुःसमुद्र etc.
and the following 3 verses given in No. 1407 of 1887-91 [ = Serial No. 293 above ].
अध्याय ८
No. 295
Adhyaya VIII with the author's own Laghuvṛtti (called Prakāśikā) is edited and translated into German with brief notes by R. Pischel, Halle, 1877-1880. It is also published by Motichand Ladhaji, Poona 1928.
Śabdānusāsanavṛtti chapter VIII
• 102 in. by 44 in.
Extent - - 51 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 48 letters to a line. Description
287 1880-81
Country paper, Devanāgari characters with पृष्ठमात्रा, bold and legible writing, fairly accurate. Margins ruled in black and red, square blanks in the centre with red tilakas in the centre and the side margins. Red chalk